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one more noob question from me...systemp

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ive read a few of the threads and im still a little confused....whats an ideal systemp? mine stays around 40 or 41 when im like copying files from cds onto my hard drives and stuff...havent really gamed yet or anything....also, i have a northbridge cooler, do i need a southbridge cooler? or will that heatsink do me fine?

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when using Prime95 or hardcore gaming preferably keep temps under 50C though 52-52 is where my comfort zone would end. The SB does have a tendency to get hot. I used the stock NB HS and put it on the SB with a 40mm fan on top.

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tape will generally take 2 layers because the chips are pretty concave so a small pice 45 degrees off axis in the middle to build it up and then another piece on top of that. I just used a 50/50 mix of AS Alumina Epoxy and AS Ceramique to attach mine. That way it attatched well but you can still get it off if necessary.

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