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875B rev. B1 BIOS flash problem

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OK...I fired up my machine for the first time and was horrified to see that the CPU temp was 80 degC (!!!!) Surely that isn't right. I went to the DFI web site and checked the latest BIOS (I have 3/8) and saw that 4/9 is out. One of the things is purports to correct is:

"4. To calibrate the temperature display."


"Aha", I say. Well for neither love nor money can I get the new BIOS to flash. Both with Awdflash (8.3 and 8.24) and Winflash tell me that the BIOS doesn't match my system. To prepare, I pulled the power cord, popped the battery out and cleared the CMOS with the jumper. No luck.


So, like AraPaJoe notes in this thread, am I really getting 80 degC? And, how do I flash this BIOS?


Thanks in advance,


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diode temp @ 80C is very possible when the cpu's surface temp is 54C like Ara's is. Remember prescotts are much hotter, and require more power than a northwood core.




are you 100% positive you are using the right bios for your board/revision? Have you tried the DiamondFLash image?


let me know =/

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To answer your question, my mobo has rev. B1 on it. So I went here I've tried every thing on that page with the 2004/09/04 date. I tried Diamondflash, I did the Winflash and changed the file to the one specified on the site and no joy.


Let me ask another question on temperature then, in HW Doctor the CPU temp is what? The diode or surface. I ditched the Intel heatsink and put a larger AlCu Zalman on it. HW Doc now says it idles in the low 60's. I tried that prime number program and it shot up to 85 degC.

Shoud I be freaking out, or what?


Thanks for the help!


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yeah 85C in HW Dr is pushing it really high. 60C is closer to a Prescott, but I know guys with the THermalright coolers are getting 40's and low 50's on high end prescotts.


if you are comfortable with pulling the bios chip and sending it to us to reflash for you, we can do that. Or we can have you send in the whole board to have it reflashed. Or if you are within your 30 day return period you can send it back to vendor or retailer and have it replaced (or maybe they have a flash programmer there).


plenty of options to choose from...unfortunately they all seem to include you being without your board for a few days to a lil over a week =/

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I ordered two of these from Newegg and this is the first one I've assembled. One is for me, the other for my uncle. I opened up the second one only to find it had been used. They've sent another and it should be here next week. What I'll do is assemble that one and see if the problem is there as well. If so, I'll pull both chips and send them to you.


Thanks for your help and I'll get back to you next week. I'll lurk in the forum, though. There's some great info here.

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Here's something odd. I took the HS off to see if maybe I had too much heat transfer compound. After putting everything back together, I fired off prime95 and watched it clime from low 60's idle (web browsing) up to 70 and then slowly up to 70.5 then 71 then....it jumped to 80 degC. That ain't right.

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consider also if you are using the stock heatsink instead of an excellent aftermarket one (Thermalright/Zalman) then your temps are invariably going to be a bit on the high side...and again always keep in mind that Prescotts are notorius ovens...85C is a bit high but there could be any number of factors why this is (improper heatsink mounting, uneven contact between cpu and heatsink, improper application of thermal compound, low-grade thermal compound, low air circulation in case etc).


let me know though how the other one goes.

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As soon as it comes in, I'll be ready.


What's got me confused is that immediate jump from 71 degC to 80degC. When it's right on the edge, it'll even oscillate back and forth between the two values. Something's amiss.....

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heres my problem with things like in that thread...one guy says 'my temps are xx°C' and another guys (or four) says 'oh no thats way too hot' and truth be known...unless that first guy's degree temp is 85C or something, there's no way that one person's temp can be claimed to be too high by another.


what i mean is, that even with the exact same board, cooler, cpu, memory, case, fans, even in the same room together, they can have different temps. While the norm is not vastly different temps, I have seen a serious discrepancy in temps before from two of the same rigs sitting side by side.


also note that it took the one guy 3 or 4 tries to get his thermal compound on correctly, and even then his temps were not what he was 'told' they should be.



as for the bios update, go into your bios and make sure BIOS Flash Protect is disabled ;)





a 3Ghz Prescott with a stock cooler is going to be hot


a 3Ghz Prescott with a decent or even great cooler is still going to, for the majority, be a hell of a lot warmer than a Northwood lol.

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It's been disabled from day one. I can try to take a picture to show you what the error message says. Also, you haven't commented on the 71/80 deg shenanigans. :) I guess I'll have to pull the darn thing and send it to you for flashing.

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Also, you haven't commented on the 71/80 deg shenanigans.








heres my problem with things like in that thread...one guy says 'my temps are xx°C' and another guys (or four) says 'oh no thats way too hot' and truth be known...unless that first guy's degree temp is 85C or something, there's no way that one person's temp can be claimed to be too high by another.


what i mean is, that even with the exact same board, cooler, cpu, memory, case, fans, even in the same room together, they can have different temps. While the norm is not vastly different temps, I have seen a serious discrepancy in temps before from two of the same rigs sitting side by side.


also note that it took the one guy 3 or 4 tries to get his thermal compound on correctly, and even then his temps were not what he was 'told' they should be.

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