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DFI NFII Infinity thermal protection

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I'm unclear on how much the hardware does to protect the CPU from burning up.


In the PC health it tells me that the max temp is set for 110C which is too hight, my CPU is rated at 100C.


I enabled CPU thermal throttling too.


Does this mean that I'm safe without running the software hardware monitor? I still intend to run it but I want to know that even if windows crashes the CPU won't fry.


By the way, I assume that I can run MotherBoard Monitor 5.x instead of the monitor supplied by DFI?

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I understand that, I'm mostly worried about the case where something goes really wrong, like a fan failure or something. Will the hardwre by itself do enough to prevent the CPU from burning up? My previous mobo would yank the power if the CPU woud reach a certain temp.

I'm using a Zalmann 6000Cu so there is quite a lot of mass attached to the CPU (and both a case fan and a PS fan in the vicinity) so it's not like the CPU temp would rise 20 degress in half a second, but I'd feel better knowing that the hardware is watching out for me.

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The AMD diode connects to a circuit on the motherboard. Over 110C its instant shutdown. Go ahead and powerup the XP with no HSF on.... instant OFF. But there is now software access to this, it is in hardware.... so MBM cant actually read the diode temp.

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