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E8400 Overclocking And Batch Numbers

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My e8400 came in the mail today and i was wondering what overclocking results people have gotten and what batch number there chip is.


My batch number is Q814A


Supposedly earlier batch numbers were suppose to oc better and these later Q81?A chips are not so good ocers


I do realize that this has already been posted but nobody posted there chips batch number!

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Then we have this guy http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=e...%3DZlf%26sa%3DG


4Ghz with 1.21vcore

Να τ' αφήσω; To her leave?


Κοντά στις 6,5 ώρες small ffts και δεν λέει να χτυπήσει! Close to 6.5 hours small ffts and does not say to hit!


Batch Q814A για όσους ενδιαφέρονται... Batch Q814A for those interested ...




Thats f'n amazing. I cant wait till all my stuff comes :D :D

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