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Another Dead Asus Board

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I've had 6 ASUS mobo's ranging from the old P4P800E delexe and never had a let down. Abit never let me down, I can honestly say only two boards have let me down and they are MSI and Gigabyte but they could be one of's


I have the ASUS P5K Premuim WiFi black pearl edition and really enjoying this board the only thing I had to do was flash the bios because I updated to the E8400

Edited by Kovoet

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The sad thing is I really enjoyed this board from the get-go, it instantly took my Q6600 to it's maximum, or rather the maximum stable overclock I could get with my WC setup without batting a capacitor. I haven't even thrown it out yet, it's still sitting in it's box and perhaps I won't throw it out until I know for sure that it is indeed the board and not the CPU or the RAM, but I have no immediate way of testing this as the only 775 CPU I have is the Q6600. In any case I'm still salivating over the Maximus II, but I'm just weary and cautious now.

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Never had an Asus crap out on me yet. In fact I have not killed any manufacturers board yet going back to the first board I owned. I have had some that were utterly unstable but not dead since they still worked fine at stock settings..

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Let's see, dead stuff that me/friends have had in recent years:


ASUS Skt A board that was stabbed with a screwdriver (remember thoes PITA HSF clips :lol:)

-ASUS 478 533 FSB board of sorts, worked on day, next day it had powered itself off never to POST again

-ASUS P5B-E, just like the 478 board above, RMAed this one replacement's fine

ASUS 650i of some sort, just up and died...

EVGA 680i SLI went out when a Rocketfish PSU went up in smoke (yeah there's one of thoes I told ya so moments :lol:)

-EVGA 680i SLI one USB port died, then it started being unstable, then the diagnosis was BIOS chip failure, replacement is in main rig doing fine

MSI 650i SLI FI, DOA from the Egg, replacement still going strong

Some MSI NF4 board died after about a month or so. Wasnt mine.


* - = was mine at time of death.


Thoes are the only brands myself and close friends have lost, and as you can see not all are the board makers problem, so that's 3 for ASUS, 2 for MSI, and 1 for EVGA around here. Of thoes EVGA owned in the service department, ASUS was a royal PITA with over a month to get anything done, MSI I didnt have to deal with, but heard they were a bit better than ASUS was :)

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