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New 8800gt Card; Evga Vs Gigabyte

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Hello all; first post since the move from diy-street.


Saw a gigabyte with a 700mhz core clock for $139 after MIR on newegg. I have been thinking about getting a new card for a while, was set on a eVGA (good experience with the 6800GT and step-up program). However, it seems like this deal is too good to pass up! 100mhz over stock and $40 cheaper... Any thoughts?

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It's surely a good deal, but be aware of the thickness of that fan! I think it's considered "dual slot", which might be tough if you ever decided on SLi in the future.


I'm actually considering one of these myself. But I might spend $30 more and get the GTS (g92).

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That is also true... I mainly play RTS games on my PC (I save the FPS for xbox360) so I'm not so sure that anything above an 8800GT is really that useful to me as RTS games are CPU intensive.

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I feel your pain, I love eVGA but money is money. I bought an Albatron back in the 7800 era (do they even make video cards any more?) talk about living on the edge and it turned out to be just fine. I'm still using it.


Would be nice if NewEgg reviews were positive (mostly), if reviews exist.


On the other hand, I am seeing more of these 8800GT's in that $130 AR range (this makes 3 now in one week) so I suspect that's where more will be headed if you can wait for your favorite to show up. I've gotten burned on this theory too and prices on the mainstreamers held.

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Considering that new cards from nvidia are just around the corner, going with the EVGA one now might end up being the better choice. If the new cards rock, the EVGA step-up program is there for you. If they aren't as awesome as we had hoped just OC the crap out of your card and, should it ever fail, you've got EVGA's stellar warranty behind it.


But if you're one of those people that's all about the here-and-now then the Gigabyte card(same amount of memory and all that jazz, right?) is a pretty darn good deal, too. Solid manufacturer, decent warranty, good parts. You can't really complain.

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I guess my last question is how well do the eVGA's OC? I probably won't ever have the money for a SLI setup so with this giga card at 700 vs the 600 stock on the eVGA, which do you think will perform better?

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I have the Gigabyte card and I must say I'm very happy with it. The performance is great and I have been able to overclock it just as the reviewers on this site have. BTW here's the review link in case you haven't seen it already: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/gigabyte_8800gt/


The EVGA card is great also (especially the AKIMBO) and I think they overclock just about the same. Take into consideration that the EVGA card is somewhat longer.


Hope I was some help!

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