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In A Nut Shell - Voltages Are Just About Stability?

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From reading what must be close to over 100 different threads on different boards and different google results, I have come up with the following conclusion. Can anybody please confirm that this is indeed the case or feel free to slap me if I am well off the beaten track :-).




1. When overclocking your PC, this is basically done by altering the FSB, ratios etc.


2. Changing Voltages for various things in no way 'speeds things up'. This is purely done to try and improve the stability after you have messed with the other settings.


3. Based on this, I also assume you should have the lowest Voltage settings possible for the Northbridge, Vcore etc where the system will run stable to keep heat minimal?




Am I close?



Thanks, Mark

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Thanks for your reply. That FAQ you have linked to is absolutely fantastic !


There goes the rest of my saturday afternoon :D


And countless more hours when your trying to get those few extra mhz, plus $$$ for cooling :P

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