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Acellero S Series Gpu Coolers

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Has anybody used these, are they good, & is the S2 compatible with the BFG 8800GT? If not, where can i buy the S1 Rev 2

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is the S2 compatible with the BFG 8800GT?



manufacturer's product page for the S2 has the compatibility list:



also, the page I already linked to in responding to your other thread, which you have read, has the compatibility list


if you ever want to know compatiblity for a heatsink, look on the manufacturer's product page, not Newegg


just take some time to look at a company's website yeah? does that make sense?

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it will almost certainly FIT the card as the heatsink only clamps to the GPU, which would have the same four holes, spaced in the same places for (all?) nVidia cards since the 6000 series or something...


the two heatpipes of the S2 compared to the four from the S1 indicates that the S2 cannot handle higher heat loads as well as the S1... so maybe you'd need to have fans running on it rather than running passively... even though anything should be better than the stock cooler, I'd be a bit concerned about the two heatpipes

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I got the Artic Cooling Accelero S2. Thing is awsome for $17 and a little shipping. It now idle's at 48~50C and at peak goes to 70C. This is purely passive cooling no fans,no turbo module, just working off of the regular airflow on the case, very quiet. BTW this is with it OC @ 700/1950, something that wasnt even an option for the stock cooler. So I say the AC S2/S1 is the biggest bang for your VGA cooler buck.




For comparison, running passively on my S1 I got temperatures of around 45c at idle and 55-60c at load.

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