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Noob + Occ Vs E8400


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Hi. I'm a noob.


Never OC'd before, and just upgraded from a rickety P4.


Came across this site, and started tweaking.. this is what I have now:


CPU: E8400 444x9FSB (4ghz) @ 1.3v(1.26v)

MEM: 4x1gig OCZPC26400 889mhz 4-4-4-15 (synced) @ 2.2v

Mobo: XFX680i LT

HD: 250 Gb SATA-II 300 Seagate Barracuda 7200

Cooling: Thermaltake V1

Case: Antex 900 (w/fans)

SPP @ 1.4v

CPU FSB @ 1.3v

Speedfan & BIOS read 40c-45c and around avg 58c load


This setting will take 12+hrs of prime95.


First! The heat! What is up with those readings? It seems to be too stable, or is that normal? I don't trust it. :/


..and where do I go now? I should be trying to take down the volts... (i think?), or do I want to press harder?


I've had it running 500x8FSB, but then I have to unlink my ram. Do i want linked ram?


Agh. I think I'm in over my head.


(BTW the Asking for Help Guidelines thing is down)

Edited by bkb

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4Ghz @ 1.3v is pretty good in my book. :)

My E8400 seems to be far more stubborn than that (which I am rather annoyed about, but that's another story).


I assume that's two instances of p95 for 12+hrs?


If it is, then I'd be trying to see how far it will go.

4.5GHz doesn't seem too high of a target if it does 4GHz at that voltage.


As for temperature readings, try Realtemp as it should provide a more accurate reading for the new 45nm chips (it's all to do with Tjmax.. read that thread for more info).


As for linked RAM, the only way to know for sure is to do some benchmarks at the different settings (linked, unlinked) and see what nets you better scores.

Edited by jammin

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Ok, so it doesn't like going over 4ghz for the most part.


If I unlink ram, crashes abound, timings or not. The most stable I can get is synced ram and the prcoessor at 4.1ghz.


The only thing I haven't changed, is voltage. I'm scared because all I read online just harps about high voltage being bad for the wolfdales. I don't want to nuke my chip. :/ I'm at:


1.35 Core

1.3 FSB

2.2 mem

1.4 SPP


Are these too high? I just noobed my way through google to find the most common voltages..


I am currently going on 4.2ghz unlinked 4-3-3-12 ram, but i can't get it secure.


...But it does get me 18026 in 3dmark06. wewt. e8400 seems to be a noobs dream! A couple of my buds bought e6XXX chips recently and are regretting it when they see how far the 45nm can go.

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it all depends on how good your cooling is, and how brave you are with voltage.

i have been to 4680 with my Xeon E3110 (basically the same chip).

but that was at 520x9 at 1.7 volts...

that means i am brave and also have a ghetto AC mod... :lol:

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Yeah, 1.7v is very brave, so I wouldn't be recommending that. :lol:


I would be pretty comfortable up to 1.4v myself, and even a bit over that.

The most I have put through my E8400 is 1.5v and that was for a very short time period.


If it is stable around 4.1 and you are happy with it, then you could call it a day.

It's always nice to see how far you can push things though, even if you aren't going to use those settings 24/7. :)

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Wow 1.7v?! :O What cooling are you using?


I did some tinkering again today, and I still can't get it to sit comfortably going over 4.2ghz really. It's not the heat either.. (I think?). I have yet to run too hot according to my programs, but I'm still wary of these readings. :/ If you got any insight on some "normal" temp reading that I should expect Rehit, please let me know!


I tried upping the voltage, and that seemed to help a bit, but then I started getting scary stuff. Nothing but black screens when powered on, the initial start screen not finding my processor, etc. Luckily the BIOS reset jumper on my board seems to work A-ok. I have yet to go above 1.5v. I am not brave. lol.


I just wonder what it is that is keeping me from getting it 100% stable. Is it that my 99$ mobo can't handle such a high FSB? Most of my problem is blue screens when going into windows... Is it my ram? Do I need higher voltage?


Damn this OC stuff is frustrating.


But hella fun too. Like you said, it's nice to see how far you can push things. :D Right now I've got the e8400 4.5ghz @ 1.475v + 4-3-3-8 DDR800 + 9600GT SLI to net an 18705 in 3Dmark06.


Help me break 19000 guys. lol.

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Waoh ok, temp is definitely an issue now. When trying [email protected], the bios read 59 degrees on idle. I didn't put it under load. I'm scurred.


I guess the ThermaltakeV1 is good but not good enough for 4.6ghz :P But at least I have an actual wall now. Things are starting to fit into place.. kinda.


I think I'm just gonna run 4ghz day-to-day, but I also want to break 19000.. lol. Can I stress at those temps? Should I stress at those temps?


I don't think I can eek anymore points out of my 9600s. Pretty much raping those things, I hope they don't die.


I have EVGA 9600 SuperClocked Edition @ 650/1674/900, and a EVGA 9600 KO @ 700/1773/950. But, the strange thing about them, is that the higher clocked KO runs 10+ degrees hotter. When the SC is overclocked up to the point of the KO, the KO still runs hotter. When I raise both of them to the crazy heights the KO runs way hotter, and the SC is still really low. Is the temp reading on the SC busted? Does SLI stress both cards equaly? Any suggestions?

Edited by bkb

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