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Newbie Here Taking Suggestions

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Just wanted to say a quick hello to the forum. I am new to overclocking and wanted to get some insight from the pros here. I am putting together a new gaming machine and would like some suggestions on Overclocking. I have listed my current build specs in my signature. Also looking for links to useful utilities for OCing and reading material to sharpen my skills.


Thanks in advance.

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Just wanted to say a quick hello to the forum. I am new to overclocking and wanted to get some insight from the pros here. I am putting together a new gaming machine and would like some suggestions on Overclocking. I have listed my current build specs in my signature. Also looking for links to useful utilities for OCing and reading material to sharpen my skills.


Thanks in advance.



Welcome...Im a new guy around here myself.


Some good overclocking tools are:


Just search google for these and the download link is easy to find


CPUz- Gives you lots of info on current Fsb speed, cpu speed, voltages, system info, memory timings etc.


GPUz - pretty close to cpuz but for your graphics card


Realtemp - gives temps for core 2 duos...most accurate for penryns I have seen to date.


Coretemp - more temps for core 2 duos


3dmark06 - gives you a score of your computer, i wouldnt call it a stress test more of a benchmarking tool


Orthos - this is a stability tester, it runs your system straight out to test it. I usually run two instances of this, one for each core for about 10-12 hours to make sure a system is stable. Others will tell you to run longer or shorter just depends on what you live with.


Super pi - I dont have much experience with this one


Prime95 - Like orthos I think there based off each other??? please correct me if Im wrong


Rivatuner - Helps overclock your video card, adjust fan settings, I use the gpu temp option so when im playing games it shows gpu temp in the upper left hand corner.


ATiTool - can overclock gpu with this, also has a 3d model test that really stresses out your gpu so you can see your max temps stability. It also has an option to find your highest stable core clock.....although I have my doubts my 8800gt topped out at 876 and I woundt dream of running it anywhere near that.

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Some things i found helpful when I started to OC are....

Watch you Temps!

Take your time always make small steps with your FSB, CPU, Video card ect.

Know what the stock specs of your rig are ie... Voltage, FSB, Max Cpu temps, Timings of your ram and so on.

Know where you Bios reset jumper is. ( It will come in handy :lol: )

Understand that just because this guys chip will hit 4Ghz doesn't mean yours will.

There a many Stickies here that are a HUGE help!

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