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problems with further overclocking of e6750

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right now I have my e6750 at a mild overclock of 3.2Ghz with a vcore in the bios of 1.3125. My CpuVID is 1.35 according to coretemp, everything ese set to auto(C1E and speedstep disabled). My motherboard is the asus p5kc. The problem occurred when I tried to overclock to 3.6 Ghz (450 X 8), and it kept freezing once it got into windows. I even raised the Vcore slowly up to 1.6 but the same thing occurred. I tried upping the NB voltage from stock to 1.4, 1.55, and 1.70(the three options the bios gave me), but still the same instability. I loosened the timings on my ram (corsair 2X2GB pc-6400 1.8v stock) to 5-5-5-18 and upped its voltage to 1.9v, no dice. I have an antec 500W power supply, so I do not think it is a power issue. I am thinking it is probably the motherboard not being able to handle a FSB over 1600.

I do not think that the NB is overheating because at my current OC, it stays about 9C above the temperature of the room consistently at load, usually running at 31-35C, which doesn't seem to hot. Any suggestions??

Edited by mr._blue_sky

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Do you have pll voltage as an option? cpu vtt voltage? Vfsb voltage. My 6750 does 3.96 prime stable with 1.575 volts. Upping the nb volts should help the nb cope but you should probably tweak the rest of the voltages if you have them available.

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sadly the P5KC being a basic asus MB doesn't have that many voltages that I can modify. When I get back to my dorm I will check again and see what else can be modified. the ram has its factory stock voltage at 1.8v, so that is why I only raised it 0.1v above stock for the overclock. Now that I think about it, I even tried the ram at 2.0vand the same issue: went into windows and then froze after a couple of seconds. I will try and run the ram at a 5:6 divider to see if it is the ram, or the chip that is causing the problem

Edited by mr._blue_sky

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Guest ajmatson

I had the same problems with a 680i board crapping out at 450 with voltages up, but I know that chip can do more, the motherboard is holding you back.

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