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Overclocking Asus striker extreem and Q6600

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Hi there everyone


I have been tinkering with overclocking i have never OC b4 but i really would like to learn i have done a lot of reading but iam still very unsure and i dont want to damage my hardware by doing the wrong thing with changing voltages.


What i have done so far -


I have disabled all the options on my mobo that the guide said to in this forum and i have left the mobo options for voltage on auto i changed the QDR to 1200 so Fsb 300 speed was 2.7Ghz the system booted ok and i was able to run 3d mark 06 with improved results of more than 10% score increase. i left the memory unlinked at 800Mhz .


I then tryed to goto 3.00Ghz setting the QDR to 1333 but the computer would not boot after that. i then used the clr cmos buton on the board to reset it and it booted ok (PHU) but i would like some advice any would be great on what i should do next


I think i would like to get it to run at 3.0Ghz and leave it thre and maybe 3.4 for benchmarking in 3d mark 06


I have good airflow in my antec P182 SE case and using the Asus silent knight 2 heatsink

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i wouldnt leave the voltages on auto, the mobo may try and increase them for you as you increase the overclock which may be bad. Set them at what you want then overclock and move them up as needed, rather than as the mobo decides



What would the normal volts be ?

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So is there any where i could find out what all my voltages should be and what ones wouid i need to set myself is there any of them i could leave on auto .


my vcore is 1.21 at the moment how much should i put it up for 3GHZ and is the voltage the reason that my pc would not boot ?

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If i set my voltages to these ones to start would that be ok then go up from there/


CPU Core 1.26 V

FSB VTT 1.26 V

North Bridge Core 1.25 V

South Bridge Core 1.52 V

DIMM 1.94 V



Please advise if these are to low or high


Striker extreem, Q6600, 2x1GB corsair xms2 6400, 2x8800gtx's


Thanks for your help

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