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I hit a bottleneck


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Motherboard = GA-965p-DS3

CPU = Q6600 G0 stepping

HS/Fan = Zalman CNPS9700NT


I managed to get it to 380X9, and even to 385X9, but any higher, and my computer shuts off, turns back on, shuts off, turns back on, exactly 3 times, before resetting itsself to stock speeds (266X9).


I'm thinking it's the motherboard, as it's rated for a 1333mhz FSB, yet the FSB got to 1540 before it refused to go higher. Is the motherboard my bottleneck? Is there anything I can do short of buying a new Mobo to get it to 400X9 (3.6Ghz)?

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sadly to say auto is for noobies but its cool every one had to start off somewhere here are some links to help you on your overclocking journey.

1C2D overclocking guide

2Overclocking software

3Overclocking Basic

watch your temps also try for a 4 ghtz clock speed. and good luck with the overclocking.

Edited by capthowdy575

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Haha, yup, I'm a n00b at this.


I'll read through all that again and see what I can do.


I've done some looking around though, and it turns out it's insanely hard to get that high of a FSB on a Q6600 with my Motherboard. 0_0 Almost everyone stopped OCing at 333, yet I went to 380. xD

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