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X2 vs Opteron

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I am still debating on the purchase of a CPU. I know I want it to be AMD, so please limit all suggestions to AMD related. What would be the difference between an opteron and an x2 for am2? I've noticed that there is a good number of people here on occ that have opterons. Which would be better, this x2 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819103759 or this opteron http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819105019 and why? Thanks in advance.

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Theres a difference though with Opterons that people have OC so well on the occ and the one on newegg. The Opterons you see around hear that got a good OC are socket 939 and the one on newegg is AM2 and may OC different then the 939 version. I'd personal wait until amd and intel releases there new quad cores cpus before buying a cpu or get a C2D but out of those two I think X2 would be the better choice.

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don't buy an Opteron if it's like twice the price lol...


if it's a low power CPU, with lower stock vcore, in theory it should have greater oc headroom... but man, don't pay that much...


when I got my three single core opterons (146, 146, 148) they were slightly more expensive than San Diegos, and it was right at the start of the Opteron craze, so they were all very good overclockers (3.07, 3.06, 3.05 GHz)... I sold all of them for more than I paid for them... the best one I made

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