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Slocket question

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I was wondering if anyone has knowledge of the super slocket III?   I have this and a DFI  P2XBL Rev. D2  MB. and would like to install a Celeron 733 into it. The cpu has a 66 fsb speed and the motherboard has 66 or 100. My question is, how do I set the dip switches on the MB. And will the MB sense the voltage also? Thanks

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I have the same motherboard in one of my computers. After looking at the manual, it supports upto an 8x multiplier.


if you using the 66mhz bus then the highest processor you can install would be a 533.


but you might want to check out the DFI web site to make sure.


For the fsb jumper (JP3) pin 2&3 need to be jumped for 66mhz or you can jump oins 1&2 to set the board to auto, then you will be able to adjust the fsb from the bios.

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It might work, but it might not post at 766. My bet is it will post at 533. If you use a 100fsb then a PIII @ 800 will be the most you can run.


Did you check out the DFI website. If so, what did it have to say?


I run a 500mhz PIII@550 (fsb@110, 5x) on this board. so I can't be for sure if you 766 will work or not.

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What I have done so far is to return the 766 celeron and I ended up ordering a celeron 800 with 100 mhz fsb. I couldn't get over the price at Newegg.com w/heat sink and fan under $50.

When I get it I will let you know how I make out. There really isn't much written on using these Generic Super Slocket III boards.

If it works I'll be back to tweek it up a little.

Thanks for the info.

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  • 9 months later...

Hi everyone =)


I have a supermicro P6SBU. It is a Slot1 pentium 3 SCSI mobo.


I have been unable to find any information on PPGA socket 370 to slot 1 adapters... other than the fact they are sold.



End result being if I can take an everyday 1GHz Celeron 370pin, stick it in one of these adapters and plug it into my mobo.


....celeron 370pins + adapter is hella cheaper than a slot1 of equal speed


and, of course... Overclocking? ;)


THX all :D

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