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Amd x26000+ or FX74?

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So im getting ready to build a new amd machine, I was wanting to know the main difference between these two processors and if anyone has heard anything bad about either. K thanks

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Before explaining your two listed options, I feel it necessary to note that in this price range, Intel will beat both of these options. AMD no longer holds the performance crown, and for high-end chips like these, the Intel advantage is dramatic. You'll be cheating yourself if you don't look up the Intel alternatives to these chips before buying.


The X2 6000+ is a regular dual-core AMD chip that will go on a standard AM2 board. It's as "basic", or rather "straight forward" as you get. The FX-74 is much more complicated (and lame, if you ask me). The FX-74 is usually sold as a package with two processors, because they're meant to be used in pairs. They're NOT a regular socket (it's like skt1407 or something like that, I don't know the number). It requires a special board with two sockets. Each of the two processors sold in the FX-74 package is dual-core, which means when combined they make a quad-core platform.


The problem with the new FX "quads" is that they suck power like no other. They use about twice the power of Intel's quads, and they achieve roughly the same performance. Also, they require a weird board. The boards cost more, plus the chips are more expensive than competing quads from Intel, even when the two chips are sold as a single package. Overall, I just think the FX-74 is a big 'ol waste of time and money.


If you insist on going AMD, definitely skip the FX and get the X2 6000+. But really, you'll get the best performance from something like intel's E6600.

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