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Clearout sale!


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So basically all he needs to send me are the cd-keys? (since you can download from steam with just the key) So I guess the next question would be how much to just mail me the cd-keys and maybe one of the cd's in a paper sleeve? Trying to save us both a little money :thumbs-up:

Also, just making sure.... you take the ever popular pay-pal correct?



I dont like to use paypal for small ammounts as they rob me on the exchange rate as well as conversion, i would PREFER money order if possiable. And i see no problem with shipping both copies in a paper sleeve i can provide pictures of original boxes as well if needed.



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Edited by Uber

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Well uber, I'll go ahead and take both of those dod:s of your hands.

If you want to send both of the cd's that's okay with me.

(If you could find a 3rd copy I would probably buy it too :P)

Just PM me with the info I need to fill out the money order.

We okay with the $20 USD if you ship them in the sleeves?

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