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Super Talent Reinvents the ReadyBoost Drive


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Ok, first, this is basically a PR release from Super Talent that a number of sites have picked up. Secondly, given how Ready Boost has been given mixed reviews as to how much it can genuinely speed up Vista at present and that the speed is not exactly phenomenal, what really makes this news? and finally this product was previewed by a number of sites weeks ago, and the initial critcal response was "big deal!". So why does this piece of advertising, not at all unique to OCC, for a product that quite likely has marginal performance increase potential, merit top front page billing and a thread? Does this perhaps indicate a kind of "club" mentality that is simply supporting business interests, rather than genuine news that merits prioritized attention? Before you simply dismiss this as an attack, please think about it. Ok , it is interesting because it is onboard connected and may have future potential. I'm not saying it is worthless. But think about it, really, ask yourself what is news? A venue for advertizing and site self-promotion, or something fundamentally independent of this in order to maintain its integrity?



Very well put and helpful response. When I reread the thread I see that you're basically right. I may have been overconcerned about the front page and the tendency I have seen in the industry to blur the line btw advertising and news. But that is off-topic.


I think you need to understand the industry before you comment on it <_>


Its called a press release which is called news FYI.


They sent it out to a bunch of us so we posted it.

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I think you need to understand the industry before you comment on it <_<


Its called a press release which is called news FYI.


They sent it out to a bunch of us so we posted it.


and it blatantly says "Supertalent Press Release" in the original post... so chris, i don't know why you're saying "this is basically a Supertalent Press Release"


and you were a former news editor, you know what SOP is, so why you're being ignorant to this is beyond me :blink:

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Guest christopher3393

Well, first, it is interesting to see what the lead story remains at this moment. Tell me, is this the most important tech news of the day? Does that even matter? My my guess is your answers would be no... and no.


I think you need to understand the industry before you comment on it


Its called a press release which is called news FYI.


They sent it out to a bunch of us so we posted it.

Does calling something news make it news? Does any press release/ free advertising that OCC finds become OCC news? and therefore a lead story? Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. And if this is a common practice, does that make it news or a good practice? As always, I'd be happy to receive your explanation of how I've misunderstood the industry, and, as always, that explanation is lacking. Nor did you comment on what was actually said in my original quote. Take it point by point and respond reasonably offering evidence. Ah, but you probably don't have the time for this. Yet you managed a blanket dismissal as a response! Is that really in good faith in open democratic discourse in a forum? The heart of the matter is concern regarding the ellision of boundaries between corporate advertising, a website's prioritizing of its own economic interests, and the news (which if it advocates anything it should be the interests of the readers). Go ahead and disregard everything I've stated but this last sentence. and tell me if you think this might be a legitimate concern.


sdy284: Your response assumes that I thought this was a good practice. I don't. I think it is one of a number of examples that can end up as representing an overzealous desire to see one's own site thrive. digg can be used this way as can welcoming noobs by directing them toward what the site wants to promote rather than toward the noob's interest. And again, please don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.

Edited by christopher3393

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You know what dude you have an issues you really do.


Since when is a press release not news?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


A Manufacture sends out a press release asking for exposure about products they are releasing how is that not news?????????????????????????????


Is it the most important thing on the internet nope prob not but without companies like them making NEWS there would be no Hardware sites.


As for an explanation I never said I wouldn't give one but why give one when it goes in one ear and out the other. Now I am wasting time here trying to justify that a press release is news and you don't think it is or you don't think its important. Well that is your opinon and that is fine you are entitled too it.


The news is placed where I want it plain and simple.

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Guest christopher3393

First I want to say that you will find that I have posted links to press releases in the forum and brought attention to new product releases that I thought were of interest to the community. So I think your response is running roughshod over some distinctions that are important regarding what interests lead to the prioritizing of particular press releases.


Secondly, there are ways of editing these releases for what is most factual and most pertinent without buying into the repetition of rhetoric that is inflated and meant to be persuasive, i.e., advertizing. There is a distinction between what is promotional and what is informational and genuine news reporting recognizes the distinction.


Now regarding your comments:

You know what dude you have an issues you really do
This is not an argument but a statement about my person, and not a courteous one,in my opinion.
New as well as older members should be treated with respect (See Rule #2) If they ask a question that has been answered a thousand times before, simply refer them to the proper thread that answers their question. -- Do not yell at the member
Endless question marks may express your frustration, but aren't necessary. To simply state that this is how things are done does not really deal with the concern raised and doesn't really explain much. If you don't have time for this, why do you respond, and respond in such a heated manner? And when you close with
The news is placed where I want it plain and simple
, doesn't that sound a little arbitrary? No one is challenging your authority to do so, it is a question of what serves the best interests of the community. Your response could mislead one into surmising that this is not a concern for you. I'm sure that's not the case. Edited by christopher3393

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Let's play with definitions.



1. New information about specific and timely events.

2. New information of any kind.

3. Nonfiction events reported to the public through print or electronic media.


Press Release

1. A public relations announcement issued to the news media and other targeted publications for the purpose of letting the public know of company developments.

2. A written announcement that seeks to draw media attention to a specific event or product launch.

3. Pictures sent with text to the press often by Public Relations Companies to promote a product, event or person.



1. A public promotion of some product or service

2. Generally speaking, advertising is the paid promotion of goods, services, companies and ideas by an identified sponsor. Marketers see advertising as part of an overall promotional strategy.



Overclockers Club (aka OCC), an enthusiast community site covering tech reviews, overclocking, DIY and tweak guides.


Now that we've covered definitions, let's analyze it all shall we? OCC is a site for technology enthusiasts. These people look to OCC to provide them with information regarding technology. Hence, we have a News section that caters to technology related products/events. A press release is simply a way of a company announcing a product. Since the company in question makes technology products, its press releases are going to be technology related. Therefore, OCC, a site that relays technology information, will take the press release and provide it for members of the public who are interested in such information.


From the definitions above and from my analysis of the definitions, it is clear that it is OCC's job to post press releases so that our members may be better informed of upcoming products. It is not advertising, it is information, plain and simple.

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Chris, I don't know who took the jam out of your doughnut, but this thread was to announce a new development of computer hardware. By its very nature, that means it is news.


Somehow you have turned this into a debate with all the news editing staff and the site manager about how to run the site.


I am sick of this, this thread makes me sick, and your arguments bewilder me. If you have a problem with the way OCC is run and no-one agrees with you including the entire staff, then I think it should be obvious what your next course of action would be.


As this thread has gone *so* far off topic, I'm going to close it as it is not the place to dictate how OCC news or *any* part of OCC is run.

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