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cant see network connections


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im having a doozy of a problem today, mediacom is doing some random repair to our lines, and my modem is being, unruly.

on to the topic at hand though.

im tooting around the net quite contently when for no reason my connection drops. typical cable. it doesnt come back for quite a while, so i power cycle the modem and all that jazz, still nothing. i decide to head to the network connections to try to repair the connection.... but wait.... i have no network connections?!?

the control panel shows nothing, no 1394 connection or the nforce connection. its a bit bothersome. i usually dont need to go to the network connections but in the off chance i should have to, i really cant.

for the most part, my network is working just fine.

any ideas as to why they disappeared or how to get them back?

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I'm not sure if this service causes the stuff in 'Network Connections' to disappear, but have you disabled the 'Network Connections' service ( lets say by accident even though it was probably a 'tweak' ;) )? If you haven't disabled it, is that service 'Started'?


When I disable it it gives me errors trying to refresh / view properties of stuff in there, but they're still visible. I have a feeling they might disappear if I were to restart...

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yeah, i thought about that. gave it a shot but its starting at startup -_-

another curios happening. ive gone and done an ipconfig/all out the the prompt, it lists the nvidia network controller, and my ip lease only lasts an hour! whats even more curios is that, well, it doesnt last an hour. when i posted this in the morning, it says that my ip lease expired at 4:40, i checked my final fantasy 11 update (which i fear will never get done) it had stopped, i check the config again, and i got a new ip at 4:15. im totally stumped

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I'm out of idea's trying to get it back then really!


Next thing I would personally try is going to device manager and removing any network adapters, restarting and then reinstalling them. Of course, if this doesn't solve the problem your main computer may well be without a network connection at all for a while... :)



EDIT: Oh, that MSDN article suggested doing that already. Did you actually do that?


Err......... hmmmmm..... out of curiosity, have you actually "tweaked" / stopped / disabled any services?



There is another article for Windows 2000, but I would imagine it's largely still relevant for XP



Edited by markiemrboo

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the only services ive stopped is messenger, but i did that right away.

device manager knows they are there, they work, but they dont show up in the network connections section of the control panel. *sigh*

oh well, if a problem does not arise, then i wont have to go to the network connections, lets just hope i guess.

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