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OCCT Perestroika : 16-core support, graphs, custom sensors...


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Hooray! I was sad to learn that the original OCCT ended development. I really did not expect to see it back. Needless to say that I'm ecstatic! I do have two questions though, will you be incorporating a OC database back in as you did in the last one (exept hopefully with an English translation so we will know what's going on.) Also, what is the pro version? There doesn't seem much development there.




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OCCT Pro available !


By tetedeiench, Sunday 12 November 2006 09:30 PM :: Professionnal


OCCT is available in a Pro version, for professionnal. This version includes the following features :


* Bootable on a CD

* Supports monitoring - It will generate one graph per sensor detected. It will also auto-detect voltages sensors and CPU temperature sensor.

* Automatically launches a custom test - just start the computer on the CD, and you can come back one hour later, everything is automated !


It can be used in numerous cases :


* You're a Computer store and you are building computers without any OS. With this, you can be sure the computer is running fine !

* You're doing maintenance, and you want to check if this recurring blue-screen is a hardware or a software problem... just boot on OCCT's CD without installing it

* Check Temperature and Voltages without leaving any trace on the client's computer


This version is free and can be downloaded by sending me an email : iench at ocbase dot com . However, you have to be a professionnal to use this : it is not available to everybody.


While it is free, i REALLY encourages gifts, coupons, donations and any help you can give me, especially in sending me testing hardware to support more monitoring software. It is the only way i can get some benefits out of OCCT without starting a whole business stuff, which is time consuming here in France, and don't forget i'm developping this in my free time... so those donations are really, really appreciated, and encouraged :D


References :



* idea-systems.ch

* and more





Dont know if you had seen that on the page

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Hooray! I was sad to learn that the original OCCT ended development. I really did not expect to see it back. Needless to say that I'm ecstatic! I do have two questions though, will you be incorporating a OC database back in as you did in the last one (exept hopefully with an English translation so we will know what's going on.) Also, what is the pro version? There doesn't seem much development there.





I don't have any plans on incorporing the OC database back online.


The main reason is it is too much work for me and teamates. In fact, this DB is what actually killed OCCT V0. It was too much work :(


So right now, my goal is to develop OCCT's features until it is complete : adding new tests, loading the GPU, such stuff that are planned. But the DB will likely not be implemented again :/


I don't know what the future will be made of, maybe it will, but right now, i don't think so. At least, not for the following versions of OCCT :)


As for the pro version, i see you had your answer ;) In fact, i'll make a company and try to sellit for a few bucks as it got really popular among companies (especially web stores). It *may* refund what i invested i OCCT during all those years... i'm not even starting to talk about a profit here ;)


OCCT will always be free, of course. And IMHO, i can't really think of any cases where somebody will need a bootable OCCT when he's not a professional ;) I won't go into restricting tests and such, that is. Just want to make sure it is understood correctly :)

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dang, I just installed the program and fired it up. Makes me want to see what I can reach on this Barton. (Yes, I have one core, not 8 like some people....)


It's just a server we received at work :D


It's supposed to be for testing... they didn't think of those kind of tests, i'm sure :D


An error was detected after 45min...:lol:


Personally, i don't even have a Dual-Core CPU (but that's going to change soon).

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