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Simplest CPU cooler?


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I am looking for a pretty simple socket 478 heatsink/fan combo. Relatively cheap....

Everything I've looked at so far seems really complicated. It looks as if I have to add a plate for them to fit?


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This will work nicely, $8 with a nice large fan (smaller fans IE: 40mm/60mm tend to make a lot of noise and die easily) You don't need much for a northwood (They run insanely cool) Edited by The Unforgivin

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Unforgivin, and I'm looking at the specs, doesn't say socket 478. Will it still work? Another question... this 2.8ghz northwood I am speaking of is going in my parents box. It currently has a 2.0ghz 478 northwood. I was gonna take this 2.0GHZ northwood and use it as the CPU for my hobby box, if this cooler is compatible for the socket 478, would it be fine as a cooler for overclocking?


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unforgivin, that is a 754/939/940 cooler, it won't fit!

What I would recommend is either of the following:

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835186124 <-- Arctic Cooling SuperSilent 11.99$

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16835185114 <-- Arctic Cooling Freezer 4 19.99$ (would get this, its the best bang for the buck)

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Kingdingeling, thanks for the suggestions, but as I was reading the user comments on the first linked hsf, someone mentioned that it does not fix a particular micro atx BIOStar, which is the same motherboard I have. And I can guaruntee that the second one isn't any smaller!


So yeah, I forgot to mention it is a micro atx socket 478. I very much appreciate the help guys, but is there anything maybe smaller?

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