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Building A Raid 5


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Whats the best bang for the buck





I have 2 320 GB WD3200ks drives now Should I buy 2 more of these or go another route ?






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Why do you want to?

Does your motherboard Support RAID 5 or do you have a PCI Card?

You Only need 3 Drives for R5.



I have a Brand New , A8n32 SLi board , it has a raid 5 controller onboard .


I am using the storage for my backup of my personal video collection . I am tired of buying movie replacements when one gets scratched.

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Ok then. Buy one more of the same exact drives and youll be ready.




Just stick a third drive in of the same size and speed (doesn't have to be the same brand). Enable RAID 5 in the BIOS and set it up using the RAID setup utility.


Keep in mind that setting up an array WILL destroy all data on the drives. So I suggest backing up everything before doing this as you will have to literally start from scratch. Make sure you have your RAID driver floppy available prior to installing Windows. If you don't have one, try visiting Asus' website and searching for one. If you don't have a floppy drive, then I would suggest slipstreaming RAID drivers into a Windows installation disc as you WILL need them for you to be able to install Windows.

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