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News: Sil5733 Storage Processor


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DailyTech Article

OCC News Post


When the Sil5733 is implemented into a device the hard disk is locked to the specific controller and the drive is rendered useless when connected to other controllers. Silicon Image claims “The SiI5733 addresses the risk of data theft from a stolen or lost drive by locking the drive to the host (HDTV, DVR, set-top box or PC) automatically.” The Sil5733 does not appear to have any protection measures if a thief happens to steal both the hard disk and the accompanying host.


Sounds like a new advancement in the percieved security area, similar to taking away toenail clippers from people onboard planes. Refer to Fear Less by Gavin de Becker.

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I might be being incredibly dense, but what happens when the controller (or whatever the controller is attached to, i.e motherboard) dies? You would loose all your data I presume, because the replacement board would be a different controller? Fantastic! :blink:

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