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Router Or Modem?


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okay so i get home last night...and i'm having internet issues. pretty much just won't connect/etc, or access/ping my modem's internal page.


as far as my LAN goes...from computer to computer it's as fast as ever. no problems there. when i bypass the router, as in connect the modem straight to the computer, i have no problems at all. but again as soon as i go through the router [atleast the way i have it rigged right now with all the settings] i have some pretty bad packet loss externally. again, no problems from computer to computer.


considering i can get on the net normally through my router and modem together (with considerable packet loss...about 15% or so)...but i can't ping/access the modem's internal config page, what does it mean? bad modem or router? unfortunately i don't have any other equipment to swap out to check.

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do the MTU settings of the router match those of the modem? if they were mismatched, that could explain some packet issues... something to check out i guess since MTU size varies from one ISP to another...

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it's a brand new router...wrt54g v6...couldn't imagine something going wrong with it so soon. i put the dd-wrt v23 sp2 micro firmware on it which rocks about 3 weeks ago. had no problems until last night. just to try i've been wanting to flash back to the original firmware but i can't find a utility that will allow me to do so.


mtu settings are both 1400.


the modem is a cheapo one that charter gave us. i called up charter last night and they said they were having problems in our area but that wouldn't explain the inability to ping the modem from behind the router. i do know the DNS server addresses have changed and i had to adjust that in my router's settings, as well as doing a mac address clone [clone the mac address of my computer on my router] and i believe that helped a bit too. i can ping any other site outside the router, which is funny considering i can't ping the modem.


EDIT: changed MTU back to 1500 and turned down the xmit power of my wireless broadcast. [another reason why i love dd-wrt firmwares. i was told if it was set too high the router would keep rebooting itself] now i can ping my modem and i'm not having any loss. just an occasional spike. i think this is solved. i'll post back if i have any more problems.

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