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Trouble Installing Games On New Laptop


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Hi guys,


Im having some issues getting games installed on my new notebook Its a Dell E1705. Important Specs are


Intel Core 2 Duo 7200

1GB DDR2 Memory

GeForce 7900 GS

Windows Media Center Edition



Its happened twice now on two seperate games (BF2 and Quake 4). I will go through the install process and put in CD after CD until the bar is full and it asks me to put in CD 1 again so it can make its icons and whatever else. I put the CD in and it just sits there. Full bar, but nothing happeneing. The rest of the PC works fine when the game install is hung up like this (right now as I type this Quake 4 is doing it). I honestly have never had a PC just pick and choose what its going to complete during an install.


Any ideas?

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mhh, did you try installing it in a different directory? if that doesn't work, install the games on your main rig and copy the game files, then you only need to set a registry



Well, this is my main rig now. Just havent updated my sig yet. So you think a different directory would make a difference? I mean, BF2 and Quake 4 have different directories than one another, but they both hang at the same point in the install...

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Well, BF2 worked as well as BF2 can on my desktop. Meaning it ran, but the patches created other issues. I never tried to install Quake 4 on my desktop. Is it more likely to be the hard drive, or Media Center? It doesnt seem like a bad HD would cause this sort of issue...

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So you can install BF2 on the desktop?


It seems like it wouldnt be the cds then. If it were me, I would try to do a windows repair or something, sounds to me like it could be a windows error then. I dont know tho. Thats what I would probably do, that or just get a new game...:)

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Ive personally had MANY problems with the BF2 installation hanging, but usually not at the same place...(with one exception about 1/2 way through CD 3 but that's more than likely related to the CD).


Are you installing using an adminitrator account? If not try that bc it may be attempting to modify things limted users are not allowed to and jsut not telling you, if you are using an admin account check the EA support fourm for BF2, chances are someone has had the problem, EA told them to reformat, and another person solved it followed by EA taking the solution as their idea...Ok that's enough EA bashing for one post :)

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Okay, I understand that it may be BF2s fault if it was the only game doing this, but what are the chances two newer games would hang int he same place>?


Lo, Yes, I can alt tab out of the window but there are no popups or zone alarm notices.

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