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My Continuation Of Problems

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I got a free XP 2800+ from a friend to replace my fried one, it works perfect. But i started overclocking... I have some general kingston/samsung ram.. 2x512 DDR400... I cannot get my FSB to 200mhz or it will not boot.. I can get from 166 stock up to 180 to boot. anything higher wont work. I've tried direct 1:1, 5:4, 6:5... but when i do that.. it will run 200mhz but my CPU will drop to 1250mhz clock speed. At stock, its running a different ratio with FSB at 166 and mem at 200... 4:5 i think... When I do 1:1, it gets to 166, but when i up it to 200mhz to even it out, it will not boot... First off what is limiting me right there?


Now, after a few reboots of unsuccessful overclocking, suddenly it will not boot back up. I have reset the CMOS jumper, pulled the battery, tried a different battery, pulled each ram stick individually to try it, but nothing will get it to boot back up. The weird thing is, when i turn off my computer, my keyboard and mouse stay lit up until the PSU drains... what the heck is my problem? I am getting extremely frustrated with this... I just got a perfect working CPU now... Many times i was getting IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD the first few times i booted up...


Any ideas?

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I just got a perfect working CPU now... Many times i was getting IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSOD the first few times i booted up...



There are a few words I would use to describe multiple BSODs on boot. "Perfect" is definately not one of them. How did you determine that this chip is "perfect"? Did you run stability tests at stock? Have you run stability tests at all?


The first part sounded totally normal. You talk about your chip not hitting 200mhz like it's a big shock, but a lot of later week Bartons really didn't get that high. My 2500+ won't do more than 190 or so. So that really doesn't strike me as a big deal. But when you casually mention that you got multiple BSODs "the first few times you booted" and then continued on, I'm a little confused. Did you just assume they were flukes? Why didn't you try to address them then?

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