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How To Create Flash Music Players


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How do you create flash music players which stream mp3s from a server? I know how to do it with videos and I would expect doing it with music would be easier but seems more complicated.


Anyone know anything about this kind of stuff?

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  • 5 months later...

*I know this is an old thread*


I uploaded a couple MP3's to the flash music player you gave NRG and it plays them at like 3x speed :blink:


It's really bugging me!!


Has that happened to you, do you have any suggestions?

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erm... the mp3s are uploaded elsewhere, then *linked* by url in the playlist of the flash player... i've never had them play at a different speed to 1x... maybe you need to update/reinstall your browser's flash plugin?

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erm... the mp3s are uploaded elsewhere, then *linked* by url in the playlist of the flash player... i've never had them play at a different speed to 1x... maybe you need to update/reinstall your browser's flash plugin?

I actually tried the XML one that ravix posted and it still plays fast...


Wanna test it out for me?


See if they play fast for you?


I'm thinking my MP3's are encoded wierd :blush:


It's actually quite amusing, if you listen to a whole song! :D



I think its because those players only play 44Khz SR's and for some odd reason I ripped mine at 32 ??? :(

Edited by Andrewr05

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who rips at 32kHz... honestly... lol :P
Either I screwed up settings when I ripped them or maybe I got those MP3's from limewire?


You never know with the quality of audio (or anything for that matter) on limewire...

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