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Facebook To Drop Membership Restrictions


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Facebook, the popular social-networking site that has mainly focused on college students, is preparing to open its membership to everyone. The move is meant to help the site expand, but it risks undercutting one of its attractions: It has been more exclusive and somewhat more protected than MySpace, its larger and more freewheeling rival. Started two years ago, with Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard undergraduate, as a co-founder, Facebook first restricted membership to people who had e-mail addresses issued by a college or university. It has expanded somewhat since then, allowing high school students to join (if they are invited by an existing member) along with people who work for certain large companies (if they have a corporate e-mail address).


Well I personally see this as the downfall of Facebook. Anyone who uses or has used Myspace knows how incredibly slow (or not working at all) it can be. Facebook, has always been, in my experience, very fast & trouble-free. I also think that this will open up Facebook to the problems that Myspaces is currently facing. Online predators that previously couldn't join the Facebook network because they didn't have a school-issued email address. But that's not the case anymore with Facebook's new system. The country will be divided up into "regions" and only people in your "region" will be able to see your full profile...Great idea Facebook, that way the online predators can only see the full profiles of kids who are in their region. In my opinion, Facebook should be kept as exactly how it is. :glare:



what do you guys think about this?

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I guess I'm just not cool enough to understand the point of facebook (or myspace for that matter). Why do I want a website that lists all my friends? I've got this list of "friends" on facebook, but I don't really consider about 94% of them to be my friends. The people that are actually important to me, I don't need a freakin website to keep track of, as I actually call them or meet up with them.


I guess all I'm trying to say with this rant is "I don't really care if this move kills facebook or not." And judging by the backlash from the recent news feed, it just may do so.

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