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Some Hdr Photos Of I Took Today


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Dec and Crammer, which one do you guys want in high res? My upload is slow and my internet connection keeps dropping so its kinda hard to upload them all :P


@Jammin, I was gona start shooting in the evening, but yeah.. but the middle of the night is close enough :lol:. I will definitly be going back sometime to shoot again... so many places to shoot and so little time before winter! (condensation). I shot them as JPGs and processed in Photomatix, Im not a big fan of Photoshops HDR feature.


@ravix, yeah my cam supports RAW; EOS 20D. HDR with RAW has a different look than using JPGs, from what I hvae heard/ seen, RAW does not capture as large of a dynamic range as taking multiple shots. Two or more RAWs would definilty work though.

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do you mean you get blur from the difference in aperture causing a change in the focal length / field of view (or w/e it's called) and therefore things near/far go out of focus?


or did you get blur because it was windy and you couldn't get the tripod dead on exactly the same for each shot?


i like the surreal look of the photos, must be pretty cool for shots into the sun like dawn/dusk/sunsets... i might have a go at it sometime...


did you just use the HDR composing tools in PS CS? or did you combine the photos using a more manual technique?

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I'm assuming there's blur because of the wind blowing plants around...I'm definitely going to have to give this a try, just ran through the local uni's quad and there's quite a few nice shots that I can get there...then I'm going to have a try at taking some photos downtown, there's some nice new bars that just got put in that look really cool.

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To answer nrg's question:


The blur was mostly caused by the wind blowing during the exposures, I shot with a tripod and a shutter release so none was by camera shake. If you go and do it, make sure you are shooting with manual focus or else your pictures might be focused on different places and you will get a pretty weird hdr picture! Shoot as low ISO as you can because using HDR really brings up the grain. It was pitch black... so dark I couldnt even see through my view finder most of the time. Also, my max shutter is 30 sec then bulb now I didnt hvae a watch on me so I had to shoot at ISO 400 resulting in shutter times in the 25- 30 sec range for the third 2 stop over exposure picture. I used photomatix (PM me ill teach you how to use it ;)).


Wanksta yes I will post them up hang on though :P (same as the high res ones). Any of you guys in the downtown Toronto or around areas? I know of a few interesting places that no one would normally see :)


edit: hang on uploading now, kinda hard doing this without a video driver!



The Origonals Used to Make the Pictures


Set 1


+2 Stop



-2 Stop





Resulting in: set1fulljpgmj2.th.jpg (not 56k friendly, 6 MB)



Uhh ill upload the rest later when im done reinstallng applications and drivers, this IE + paint thing isnt working too well for me :P

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Keep the same F-stop for the sequence and only change the shutter. If you have auto bracketing it will help too. Just make sure each shot is two whole stops(or more) difference. You should end up with 3 (again or more) shots, one normal, one VERY over exposed and one VERY under exposed. For those above I believe I shot at F5.6 with a shtter of 9, 15 and 25? (or something similar :P)


Try this, shoot a window (asuming is sunny outside) from a fairly dark room. Your final HDR picture should show both the window and the interior of the room. Also, if you have roof access to a building in the city, try a dusk shot :)

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