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Wifi To Lan Ics/ Bridging


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Before I go any further let me show you what I am trying to acomplish. Pictures help out a lot more at first when trying to explain something structured like a LAN setup.



Just a FYI the Router IP's are setup that way because Windows ICS sets the server network device to a IP of ; a common IP of many routers.


Ok I am trying to acomplish some Wifi to LAN bridging/ICS as shown in the pic above. I have tried enabling ICS for the WiFi connection, but it says:



I can setup a wired ad-hoc network to communicate between the PC's (both running XP Pro SP2), but I can't get ICS to work. When the two PC's are setup in a wired ad-hoc mode and I try bridging the WiFi/Lan together on the laptop the Wifi connection cuts out.


I know you guys are probably thinking why not just use a long ethernet cable? Well I would but the location of the PC is not setup ideally for a long ethernet cable. Also I don't have a spare Wifi card for the PC. This setup that I want to do would only be temporary for a day or two at the most. Any Ideas?

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Well, from the error window you have given us, have you tried changing the IP to something other then its current one. Or does it happen with any IP you give it?


Just a shot in the dark. Sorry.

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Thanks for the info chavalcito, I changed the IP of the second router and enabled the DHCP server. The PC hooked up to the laptop can now pull a IP address, but that is about it. Both the laptop/PC are on the same workgroup if you are curious. I can ping both routers from the PC hooked up to the laptop, but I cannot access the internet. I am assuming I gotta change IE/firefox connection settings on the PC now?

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