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Multiplier Problems

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i didnt touch any multiplier settings because i cant locked i believe, and my new mobo had the multi on 12x 200fsb but now randomly changed it to a 5x multiplier and 200fsb, so my 2.4gig processors just turned into a 1gig processor wtf. someone tell me how to fix this, pheonix bios with a K8N Neo3 and a AMD 64 3400+ 2.4gig

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It may have something to do with throtleing or thermal throtleing. Look through your motherboard manual for anything similar to this.. You could also look through your CMOS setup to find it.

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sounds like cool & quiet to me try starting some applications thatl use your system to the max, like folding@home, prime95 and occt.

if it dosent increase then try looking for tempatures, speed fan should give you your cpu temps

if they are high, 60+ then your proceser is probably throtaling because of the heat, try looking for ways to fix that comen ones are:

cleaning out dust

wire manegment

reaseting hsf with arcttic silver 5

more fans

new hsf

new case


thats in order of witch could cost the most GL

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It may have something to do with throtleing or thermal throtleing.  Look through your motherboard manual for anything similar to this..  You could also look through your CMOS setup to find it.



Do you mean throttling and BIOS? CMOS is a part of the motherboard, the BIOS is what's stored in the CMOS.

Edited by Kamikaze_Badger

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