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64 System Mobo

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frankly, for 99.99999999999999% of the people out there 754 is FINE.  can you tell the difference between a 3200+ 754 and 939?  NO  that's why they're both 3200+ athlon 64's :(



point taken, OHHHH, so thats why they rate a 939 1.8ghz 3000+ and a 754 2.0ghz 3000+


My point was that you could have more stuff with it, plus the ability to upgrade to bigger and better things, IE Sata 2, SLI, Crossfire, PCI-E


WOOT: my 450th post

Edited by Crazy_Dude

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PCI-E is availible on 754, as is SATA II (woopie dooo.... yet another useless thing)... crossfire is yet to be seen, but I've seen an SLI 754 board too :( though I don't think it made it's way into production.

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From an overclocking stand point, socket 939 is the way because of Dual Channel. or not im just taking a guess. But I see no reason why not to go socket 939, it will just leave more options for upgrading later.

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I can give you one reason why 754 over 939... budget...  aka sempron...  OOOOOPS people don't think about these things.



well sure, budget dictates everything.....

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unfortunatly budget dictates everything

so a socket 939 should be around longer than the 754? or it will just allow me to get a bigger and better processor?

I ran into the problem of discontuation already....AMD Athalon Socket A MP :*( Which really sucks!




Whats the difference between the regular and the FX?

Edited by gotdamojo06

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wow, you've been out of the game a LONG time haven't you :)


FX's are workstation processors, which have a higher stock speed along with an unlocked multiplier (thus can OC to much higher speeds even after maxing the fsb).

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And the FX line is mostly dead, given that the X2s are hitting the market and do much better for apps they're designed for. That and they're much cheaper then the FXs.


And yes, a Sempron would be good for gaming on a budget. Ask cchalogamer, I believe he's gotten them up to the FX area of performance.

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