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Fx-57 O 4800 X2?

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UT will NOT be supporting SMP.  I doubt we'll see it main stream before 2008...

btw I'm not allowed to sell the FX-57 ES...  I've already been warned about that :(  something is squirrely about that chip and it's Vcore not being the same as the retail version...  it also OCs a LOT better than it's retail siblings.




Scary getting warned about a CPU, and giving info away, youd think it was some dier secret like the CIA, FBI would warn u about or ur life kinda thing.

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He has an agreement with AMD called "Non Disclosure". It means that anything currently in development and is not released to the public cannot be disclosed to the public. I have the same thing with Dell where only the employees now about the new systems coming out before they are due on the market.

Edited by FxXP

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What is an FX-57 ES? Sounds like some top secret government weapon.


And they're making an FX-59? I though the FX line died with the 57!



Do you know what "Intel Confidential" stands for on an engineering sample for a Pentium 4 processor? Same thing.

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He has an agreement with AMD called "Non Disclosure". It means that anything currently in development and is not released to the public cannot be disclosed to the public. I have the same thing with Dell where only the employees now about the new systems coming out before they are due on the market.




Ya I Know.


To qoute Cybergrunt "Let me adjust my tin foil Hate"

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What is an FX-57 ES? Sounds like some top secret government weapon.


And they're making an FX-59? I though the FX line died with the 57!




FX-59 has a 50/50 chance of hitting the streets. after the odds on the FX-57 being the same way, I tend to think we're looking at a no in the end :(

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