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Ati X800 Xl Vs. Nvidia 6800 Gt - Which Is Better?


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i'm not trying to make anyone feel bad about what they have, but when people ask which they should get, X800 or 6800, the choice is pretty clear if people will open their eyes and quit downplaying SM3.0 support, it makes a difference now, it is going to be making even more of a difference soon, bet your sweet arse that the Unreal 3 engine will use SM3.0 too, i am just tired of people recommending an obviously less capable card for more money, just because they have one, i just bought this 6800GT, and i did a TON of homework first, decided that getting 10fps more in some cases in HL2 or CS:S was not worth the extra money and not getting to use alot of new upcoming eye candy features in other games because of the lack of SM3.0

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sm3 does make a good diff, which is one of the main reasons i need to get a 7800gtx sli for my next rig. saved those pics to show meh dad just why i want sli, not only for bragging rights but for 21" high res full quality :D

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yeah, i see a huge difference


r_target, what game is that from?


That's Pacific Fighters. SM 3 takes a pretty heavy toll on fps though, even on 6800 GT. Not unplayable, but I'd have to drop back to 1152x864, 2xAA to run it at 40+ avg fps. I need the next step in video cards to really make it happen full time.


As for the original topic.....my decision would be based on the games that I play more than anything else. NV has the edge for my purposes, so that's what I use. For dedicated HL2/Source twitchers, I'd say go ATi. BF2....I don't know if the verdict is in on either yet. Other games can be a toss-up, with either one placing ahead of the other depending on the game. I'd do the research, study the game benchmarks, ignore the Futuremark scores, and get what seems like the best choice for how you're going to use it.

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Unless your absolutely "nothing but game" just wait to buy. With nVidia's new release of the 7 series, ATI will definantly counter-attack with a new card too. This means prices will drop dramatically for the card you want. I have an ATI Radeon x850xt (AGP) and i Paid a little over 450..Wait a few more weeks and that card will drop down 150+

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