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Happy Vj Day

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60 years ago on this day, Japan surrendered, and WWII ended.


I'd like to extend a big thanks to all soldiers (Veteran, Active, and Reserve) on the forums for defending our freedom like the many who died during WWII did. God bless.








And remember: PIE IS GOOD!

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Yeah. I dont want to seem like an anti war person but i pretty much agree exactly with danyo.


Except, I think that the nuclear bombings made japan surrender rather than having an all out war, and in that aspect i think many lives were spared.

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Except, I think that the nuclear bombings made japan surrender rather than having an all out war, and in that aspect i think many lives were spared.



Exactamundo, more lives were spared in the bombing of Japan than if we would've invaded the mainland. In the actual bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 'only' around a quarter of a million people were killed. If we would've mounted a land invasion, military and civilian casualties combined were estimated to be over a million. Not only did those bombs end the war sooner and save lives, it also brought a whole new meaning to the term, "Don't $&%# with the USA." Believe you me, if we wouldn't have proven the measure of our resolve by bombing Japanese civilians in 1945, i can guarantee you the Cold War wouldn't have been as uneventful as it was.

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That was what they said, but had nothing to back it up...I do think it's true tho, the Japs would have kept fighting until there wasn't any left to fight.



Well, yeah the only way for them to know exactly how many people would've died was to mount the invasion...but I don't think it's worth all that just to prove a point lol. The number is very believeable though. U.S. troops attacking the last divisions of the Japanese army on the soil of their home islands. Crack troops on their home ground. They would've enlisted the help of every able-bodied civilian. Even the women would be forced to fight. The fighting would go city to city, street to street, house to house, until there was no one left to fight... I honestly think One million casualties is somewhat of an underestimate.

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Exactamundo, more lives were spared in the bombing of Japan than if we would've invaded the mainland.  In the actual bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 'only' around a quarter of a million people were killed.  If we would've mounted a land invasion, military and civilian casualties combined were estimated to be over a million.  Not only did those bombs end the war sooner and save lives, it also brought a whole new meaning to the term, "Don't $&%# with the USA."  Believe you me, if we wouldn't have proven the measure of our resolve by bombing Japanese civilians in 1945, i can guarantee you the Cold War wouldn't have been as uneventful as it was.




I just dont like the fact that americans actually are PROUD of the fact they they bombed the . out of a bunch of japanese civilians and can then stand up and say some thing like that "Don't $&%# with the USA." It just seems so cocky and inconsiderate. If my country ever killed that many civilians i would be ashamed. If you're going to bomb something, bomb the military or something, not defenceless enemies.

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