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Is My P4 Too Hot?


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I've just upgraded my entire system pretty much. The specs are: P4 3.06GHz (hyperthreading enabled) 1Gig Corsair TwinX PC3200 memory, Gigabyte 8INXP motherboard, 550W PSU, Radeon 9700 Pro, audigy sound, Hauppage TV card, 300gigs HDD space, DVD-ROM drive, CD-Writer drive.... all in a lian-li 6085 case (ie aluminium quite spacious, 4 fans blasting air around for cooling). I have a thermaltake spark 7 cpu cooler with arctic silver 3 paste, fan at a constant 6000RPM.


My CPU idle temperature is around 45 degrees C, and when running SETI@home, and Prime95 (running torture test - with no errors produced), with the latest MBM in Windows XP Pro, the CPU reaches 67C. This is better than the first CPU cooler, I was using a Thermalright AX-478, which i later found out was designed for a P4 2.2GHz or above, and the temperatures with that combination of torture test running reached about 85C, hence the current heatsink and fan. However I have searched and searched and cannot seem to find anything telling me what this kind of P4 temperatures should be. Is this hot? or average? If it's hot, what on earth can I do? the heat sink looked pretty nicely lapped, and it's definatly in contact with the CPU correctly.


Any help with this would be much appreciated!






(btw nothing is overclocked - yet!)

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Hey, I do run it at the highest fan speed, that's what the 6000RPM is, and that's the temperatures I get with it, I've actually been thinking of fitting a 2nd fan blowing through the side of the heatsink to see if that might help, but I dont think it should be necessary. Besides the main problem is, I dont even know and cant find out what temperatures this CPU should be running at! Best I've found is it has an output of 85W which I cant confirm, and even if I could, how on earth does that relate to temperature? It's no good reporting power output to people, temperatures are more usefull....

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well, i'm going for a watercooling.. , hate the stupid aircooling.., and i hate to say it but, my coolermaster wich only ran at 2500rpm, was able to keep the cpu cooler at full load then the TT at full load with 6000rpm :(:(




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I have also been thinking watercooling might be my only solution - however I dont want a huge kit that I have to drill my case to use etc, and I'm not sure about those smaller kits performance, or pricing etc. I also dont feel I should have to, I'm running a non-overclocked system, a system that wouldnt be vastly different to any premade top end system by dell or something, and I doubt they'd be using watercooling. The solution must be elsewhere. But then I may just be, being paranoid, these temperatures might be perfectly normal for this processor, just wish I knew :)

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You may try this if you want to: Arrange 2x Coolermaster 80mm fans in a triangular pointing to the fan at the P4 heatsink. I have done this today, and my P4 temp dropped another 3 degreesC at max. The max temp is now 33,7C and it was 37,8 [Game played or Sandra burn]. I f the room temp rises it keeps the P4 temps better intact. I don't think I will get myne cooler now with aircooling alone. Make just sure the air they obtain is the coolest available as it enters your case. I have two other 80mm fans in a pype directing air on them, coming from the front.

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The thinest layer i possibly could, without actually scraping it off the processor again, spent ages making it just perfect, I was thinking also maybe I should try adding more of it, but it did look like the pictures i've seen on various websites so it should be fine. Also, I might try adding a 2nd fan to it, if possible, and see what that does, I do have a spare Ys-tech 3000rpm 80mm fan producing 45cfm, if i can get that going thru it as well, i'm guessing that will help a great deal. Anyway though, like I said, I dont even know if these temperatures are even a problem or not, I have heard the P4 3GHz with hyperthreading does run quite hot (hyperthreading adds about 5 or 6 degrees?)

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Man .. Im not running close to that hot.. granted I have a 2.8 and yours is a 3.06, But Mine has been dropping a few degrees here lately I think because the Arctic Silver 3 thas set in nicely after about 3-4 weeks now.. and after heating up and cooling down it starts to work quite well Ive heard...at any rate.. my Idle temp lingers around 27

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Ok, maybe I should post my system temperature too, it's running around 30 degree's (MBM says 25, but it never changes so I dont believe that... I have a seperate thermometer in there that records it at 30 on average).... so that might push it higher anyways, I guess my room I have it in is fairly small and right next to the water boiler so it could get fairly warm in the room. I've also added a second fan as I said in a previous post blasting air through the heatsink from the top, and that's cooled it down to about 41C idle.... and around 60C under max load, so that's another 7 degrees off the max again, which I think I can now live with.... Also with that combo, I tried it with the case open and it dropped another 3 degrees, so I guess my case temperature is making things quite high... I also today took out my audigy sound card coz it doesnt work with hyperthreading correctly and found onboard sound to be much better actually, but I say this coz i think it was running fairly warm too, so that might help lower temperatures too. Anyways, i'll keep you updated if I manage to find ways to cool it even more.... remember though Triple-X, hyperthreading does for a fact add about 6 degrees, and my case is running a lot warmer than yours, so I think that adds about 11 or 12 degrees to what your CPU temperature is in total, which puts my CPU about right I reckon. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, as promised i'd keep you up to date with my cooling situation, i ran with the spark 7 cooler, and overclocking with an FSB of 145 was the highest stable i could get to - and the temperatures reached 73C when running prime95 and seti@HOME.... I got fed up with this, and did more research on it all, ended up spending 70 pounds (about $110 to $120 ish) on a swiftech MCX4000 heatsink -http://www.swiftnets.com/products/mcx4000.asp and then i attached a Delta 80CFM 80mm fan to it. Apart from being quite tricky to install as it requires removing the mounting bracket thingies on the mobo and then screwing directly into it... Also reapplied my arctic silver 3. I must say that it made a HUGE difference. It isnt any louder than the spark 7 cooler, but i get way better airflow, and this heatsink is just the best quality i've ever seen. It's sure true what they say, you pay for what u get.


The idle temperature is about the same around 44 degrees C. So i'm guessing that's pretty much the temperature to expect on this P4 system, in the environment i'm in as well. But I overclocked it to an FSB of 150, so it's running at 3.45GHz now, and it's completely stable - gonna test with higher speeds soon. And I ran prime 95, and seti@home again on it, and it never even reached 60 degrees C, and that was with it about 1 foot from the radiator that was turned on at the time. So all in all, I am VERY impressed with this cooler, from watching the BIOS it seemed to be about 16 or 17 degrees cooler than with the spark7. So I will personally now be recommending swiftech heatsinks...

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  • 7 months later...

I have the same problem. I think so it is problem with overvoltage CPU. In BIOS is set 1.525V. ETune show so voltage is set to 1.575, but monitor show 1.610V. I reduce a Vcore to 1.53 (set to 1.4) and temperature in load is now 47-50 deg. (before above 60 deg). I ask Gigabyte, but not answer yet. I hear so 3.06GHz working with Vcore 1.55V. Do you here some about that? I use a standard heatsink.

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