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Check Vol. 2

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OK this is the continue of topic "check" from misc. hardware discussion. I ran into DPK magazine today and asked them what is the best cooling hardware. they said it would be phase-changing some kind of thing. i didn't know what it was so i went to ELETEK and they said the only device of that kind was the Prometeia Mach 2 from ECT (extreme cooling technologies). it was about 1100 euros. It turned out to be the case with a CPU cooler. When i removed my hardware from the Thermaltake case into the new Mach 2 i wasn't sure where everything goes. finally i installed the CPU cooler on the CPU :) , i turned on the system and it was louder than my Koolance cooler but i wouldn't care. after 30 minutes the temperature on the CPU would hold at about -45C.


i need somebody to tell me what to do next. so how do you overclock a CPU. Please tell me if i need to buy additional items.



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you can read that for a start

you dont need to buy more items too oc but i would recomend you get the folowing:


digital multimeter-generaly 5$ish

temp probe - might want to ask around about were to find one


for stabilaty testing i recomend these free apps:


prime95- http://www.mersenne.org/freesoft.htm

occt- http://www.ocbase.com/occt.html

and generaly a couple of runs of 3dmark seris are good too


you may want to oc your video cards but im not knowledgable on ocing sli systems so try to find someone who knows how to


that should be all

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alright basicly you go into your bios..i assume you know what this is. ok then you look for like voltages or somthin (moast bios are diferent so i cant say or shure) any ways eventually you will find a section taht has all your voltages and clocks for your RAM CPU and some other things alright now you will not be able to change your settings for any of the voltages accept your ram mayby everything should be grayed out, now you will find somthing that will atomaticly set all FSB and voltage settings to like Optimal or somthing of the sort when you select one of these presets it just automaticly sets all voltages and FSB to a certan setting so its running Optiaml or hie speed or somthing, you have to set that you user define or somthing so you can manually adjust all the settings, after you are done with that go for it. raise and check raise and check ect. alright here are some things you will need to know- first you cant really fry your cpu from raising the FSB this will only make it unstable and while it will get hotter it whont get hot to the point that the cpu and hsf cant handle, but when you raise the voltages on things this is what heats things up. so you will only whant to raise the volts if needed, and the only time you will need this is if your system goes unstable after minor over clocking of the FSB then you know you have to raise the volts because its going unstabel because the CPU is not getting enough power to run at higher FSB, also if your system gets unstable to the point were you cant even get to the bios befor it like restarts or somthing you will need to reset your Cmos manually so to do this you have to open the pc (phase change) dang i wish i had one) anyway you will look for a battery on your mobo nere it will be like a little shorting pin you will be able to take this off and short the pins directly below or above for a few seconds (only do this with the system off) then put shorter back in previos position and you cmos has bean reset (or you could just take out the battery for a few seconds then put back in its a little easy'er) now your bios is set back to its stock settings and you can OC back to were just befor your system when unstable, now if you whant to keep going with the over clock and your system has not raised in temps much you will need to raise the volts in order to keep from going unstable, when you do this go the smallest incraments because now your CPU will be heating up and fast. so there you can over clock now, just go slow and be carefulle and you will be all set


EDIT: o goodness i just now am relizing you have a fasechange and there for you dont have to worrie about heat....goodness im a retard, so basicly OC at will, you system will not over heat. NOTE: OC'ing does kill your CPU faster than it would normally but its not like you are gunna like kill it with in the next few years from a OC but it does slowly kill it. you will see no difference though i garente it.


dang my fingers are tired now!

Edited by pogs16a2

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