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Forceware Worth It? And Other Questions

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Well...thanks for all the help...


Just received my new 6800 and it crushes my 9600xt (it served me well)


I have been an ATI user for a looong time so I am a n00b to nVidia....


I have the Zalman ZM80C-HP that I used on my 9600xt

Would that be enough for this card?


I have Rivatuner and will play a bit...



are forceware drivers worth it...

With ATI there were the Omega drivers, but I found they weren't worth it



any other things I should look at?




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Well, I've used the Omegas, Starforce, and a couple other different drivers for nVidia, and I never found them worth it. All of them were really tweaks you could do yourself in the analog display. Sometimes if they claimed better performance, it was more than likely due to setting the IQ to performance. Not only that, but if there even was a performance gain, it wasn't worth my time to go download the modified drivers, uninstall my Forcewares, boot into safe mode, etc, etc. You'd be better off just keeping up with the latest drivers, imho. :)


The only thing that really helps performance, is oc'ing and pipe unlocking. Speaking of which, see if the extra pipes on your 6800 work. (if yours is a 6800NU.)

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I find the XtremeG drivers to be the best. Image quality was better, and got more frames than your regular nVidia drivers. Also, that heatsink SHOULD be alright for the card, but you shouldn't expect great overclocking results. That cooler is becoming outdated now....

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