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Fun Time At Compusa


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I had had 4 jobs by the time I was 18.  I started working when I was 14.  And no, they weren't mom and pop type places.  We had people under 18 at our Best Buy, too.  But do as you wish.  What you will find is that everyone wants experience.  But the older you get, the harder it is to get that "entry level" job that actually qualifies as "experience".  The longer you wait, the worse off you are.  Who would you rather hire?  An 18yr old that's been working his tail off for the last 4 years at odd jobs, or an 18yr old that has absolutely zero experience (and therefore zero references)?  At some point it is not ok to have your parents and their friends on your references page anymore.  Think about it man.




Around here is lawn care (done it), food service (done it...never again will I serve people's food), grovery stores (haven't done it, won't do it), or something as "prestigious" as besy buy /cough (doing it). I am doing OK. Worked for myself since i was 14 cutting peoples' yards. Then quit that and got a job at an ice cream place. I really...really hated that. Then I quit ice cream and did more yards. The only thing I leanred from cutting yards was a work ethic, the value of a dollar, and why I need to go to college and get a good education, and if that's all I learn from that job...then I fared well. Now it's best buy, the highest paying and the best job I've had yet. Keep in mind I'm still 17 so I've got some time to go.


Which brings me to my next point. At BB one day, nobody was there (yeehaw) so we were standing around talking. We decided that everyone in America should be required to, after graduationg from high school, spend one year in the military, one year in retail, and one year in some form of local public service (garbage man, janitor, politics), then everyone would have a lot more respect for other people, and for what other people do. Once their 3 years is up, they can go to college and do what they want from there.

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At Radioshack, they told us that 802.11g goes farther than b.


And at Microcenter, the guy told my Dad that my old comp. wouldn't accept a video card even though it could. I was stuck with a very bad gaming comp. for years. :(


1 thing, he might have thought it was isa, they are told this for certification reasons

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Geek Squad is a ripoff for most things. They charge $149 for a 1 hour virus removal, and sometimes their service can leave your PC in a worser state then it was in previously. Many Dell customers have told my senior technicians bad things about GS.

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Geek Squad is a ripoff for most things. They charge $149 for a 1 hour virus removal, and sometimes their service can leave your PC in a worser state then it was in previously.  Many Dell customers have told my senior technicians bad things about GS.




yes but, if stupid people want it done, then why not, besides, i would chrage as much as i could cause the customers that come, don't know anything, and most of them don't want to know anything they just wanna pay tones of money to get it fixed and thats fine by me, cause im not one of them..

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he my job is great. THere is one manager who is kinda weird but... hell even the store director loves me. Your not suppose to be able to runa cash regrister untill your 16 but im still 15 and my birthday is over 3 months away and im doing 8 hour shifts for some of the chasiers (today i have a 6 1/2 hour shift)


although our discount sucks (doughnuts for 10 cents) and i dont get paid very much (started at 5.50 now at 7) the atmosphere is good (when there arnt any crap tard customers)

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