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Need Help Explaining Something

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Well, to get you an overview of the situation: I don't like being around my step-dad. Whenever I am, I get nervous and afraid that I'm going to do something to piss him off, and get more emotional abuse (boarder-line stuff, though. Most of it related to computers).



Now, I've tried explaining this to my mom, but she refuses to listen. Does anyone have any ideas or tips to explain it to her? Keep in mind I'm not a master at socialization...

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ewww.... well off the top of my head... I understand how you feel around your stepdad. And I think the way I would handle it would be to, practice, compose myself, and be determined not to bow down to any intimidation, and talk to him face to face about it. Going to mom, even if you did get her to listen, may not do much to help the situation.

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According to Google:


1. Poor social skills, difficulty with transitions or changes, difficulty reading nonverbal cues or "body language."


2. A neurobiological disorder manifested by a pattern of behaviours in boys who have normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibit autistic-like behaviours and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills.


3. Asperger's syndrome (AS), is a pervasive developmental disorder commonly referred to as a form of "high-functioning" autism. The term "Asperger's syndrome" was coined by Lorna Wing in a 1981 medical paper; she named it after Hans Asperger, an Austrian psychiatrist and pediatrician whose work was not internationally recognized until the 1990s.


Seems to be something that could often go undiagnosed in many geeks......

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Carry a gun with you. If your step dad talks crap....point a gun in his face. You deserve respect!!! :angry2:


I was just kidding by the way. But if your mom doesn't listen to you and won't do anything about it she obviously doesn't have her priorities straight. You could always find some deep dark secret about your step dad type person and black mail him with it.

Edited by AntitrustSpider

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i dunno if you have the guts to do so, but i talk back to my dad and my motto is, you show respect to deserve it which applies even to my own parents. i might be the silent kind, but i will not take b/s from ANY one. my $0.02. eh if you must, force your mom to pay attention.

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Guest Raven65

Dude you have a hard situation, your mom loves your step dad and loves you also, so it puts you between a rock and a hard place. If he does this when your mom is not around it's going to be hard for your mom to see this. So what you need to do is make your mom see it. If that doesn't work suggest counsiling.

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