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New Desktop: Amd 64 Or Intel 64?

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Guest Raven65

Go with AMD, as per the Venice core. Hummmm I would wait on that. Give AMD some time to tweak it. Although it is 90nm and will run cooler and AMD says it has virtually no bugs.

As per a MoBo MSI Neo4 Platinum if you want to go with a PCI-E video card.

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Go AMD for gaming, Intel for heavy graphic programs.


Since you dont want the HSF to running full blast all day I would def go AMD since the new Venice cores are much cooler than the Prescott core.




Gigabyte K8nsnxp-939 yes it's NF3 U but it's the most stable baord out there and does pretty well with oc'ing with the f8 bios. Also Amd's can mutitake very well , Intel's are better at rendering and high graphics programs like 3dsmax and higher.




You are right on the money, Sovek. I was running a CeleronD 2.53GHz Prescott core, with an after-market cooler-master HSF and some AS5; it would never drop below 70C. On the other hand, my A64 3000+ is quite happy running full load at 35C, with the help of AS5.


Shadowfactor- As it may be true that Intels are better at some 3d rendering programs, it does not mean that the A64's perform poorly. They actually perform quite well! I run MAYA, MS3D and 3DsMax all the time; I never really experiance any slow downs. The framerates stay real high and the menus are quick and everything werx great!


A64 All the way, baby!!!!! :D

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There's only ONE thing that I miss my 2.66 P4 @ 3.19 for, and that's any kind of encoding, decoding, file compression etc. My laptop can beat my 3000+ rig for that sort of thing alot of times....its sad, but I still dont regret the move to a CPU that runs 36C load as OCed and deos pretty much everytign else faster and for the $$$ i spent Intel cant touch it. find me a retail boxed Intel CPU for $146 that'll beat the performance (looks like a 2.66 Presscott or a 2.53 northwood are the closest in price....both are 533 FSB and cant touch the 3000+ for most uses.)


Definatly go AMD, save cash on the CPU then spend more on the vid card :D or jsut get an even better CPU....maybe instead of a 3800+ a 4000+? idk exactly what i would do (prob get the 3800+)

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Hmmm... I guess I should ask then, would it be worth it to wait for dual-core CPU's? I plan on building this machine over June/July, so I could wait. Would I notice a performance boost over a regular 64bit proc? From what I've heard, dual core processors won't be supported by most software makers for a while due to the high cost of developing software for such chips.

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actually better than hyoerthreading. HT just has a virtual 2nd proc, which is detected as 2 logical procs, while a dual core proc actually has 2 physical procs., hence it multitasks better.

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