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Does My New Laptop Get Your Approval?


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Man for 1200 dollars you could have gotton a Battalion Notebook from www.ibuypower.com . I did the same stupid move as you when I graduated; got a laptop. You will grow to hate it. Hope you have a decent desktop!

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I have two dell laptops,

An old i4100, P3 1Ghz, my kids use it.

And I have a i5150.

When it comes to laptops, you have to go brand, plus, you should have some warrenty on it, so if it breaks, they will fix it free.


Just don't drop it. I dropped the 4100 and broke the screen. Reason why I got the 5150. Then I found a replacement screen on E-bay, paid $1 for it (+22 S&H) when Dell wanted like $900 to fix it.

Now it works great.

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for graduation i got a laptop... i then sold it to my sister and used the money to build a desktop.... now my desktop is my main computer and i just bought a new laptop and its gonna be the one i take to class and stuff.

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If you want a good laptop get an Acer, Toshiba, Sony, etc. brand not a dell. Dell IMO makes one of the physically crapiest notebooks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just thought I'd update you guys:


A couple days ago my laptop hard drive died. It wasn't bad enough that it completely stopped working, it just started producing disk read errors and it failed Dell's built in diagnostic tests. Dell had a new hard drive at my door the next day, and paid for return shipping. They even gave me a free upgrade to a 5400rpm hard drive (from the stock 4200).


Other than that, everything has been perfect. Dell gets two thumbs up from me.

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