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No Luck Whatsoever


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Well just played again, and did everything as before.............


Except I saw something in the bios that I missed the other three times.


I disabled the IDE SATA drive, which then reconized the SATA drive immediately, and copied all files, loaded XP in just under 8 minutes.


Now tomorrow when I get in, will re add the other 512 stick of ram and make sure all is good to go.


Then will add the drivers for the board as needed.


At least everything works so far, just a dumb mistake,but hey, I never had this board and SATA system before, so I guess I'm allowed.


One thing I always remember each and every day of my life, " You learn something new eveyday" and not a day goes by that I ever say "I know it all".


I'll report what happens after CD drivers and the other 512 stick put back in.

Edited by Redcoat

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