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No Luck Whatsoever


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Hi guys,


New to this forum, have been trying to load windows on new built system. Using 3500+ athlon 64, West Dig 10000 rpm sata, 1 gig Ballistyx memory, Gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 MB, and MSI NX6600 Video card. I thought it was something I was doing wrong because of using a sata hard drive for the first time, however when I disconnected and tried a regular IDE HD, same results. Blue death screens, all kinds of crap comes up, after going thru setup and formatting, then when trying to load system files, it crashes. Really discusted, and from all my friends who don't have the 64 bit systems or near the speed of the system I thought I was going to have, they tell me basically I'm nuts for even trying this new technology, I'm beginning to think they are right. Anybody seem to have any answers for me on any possible things that could be causing my problems. I did get a little further after reconnecting the sata after trying the IDE. It actually started copying the system files, and then popped up that a certain file could not be copied. It told me possibly the win XP cd is bad. This is a copy of XP. It loads on my older 700 athlon just fine. Any ideas please, I hope my friends are wrong, and it's just something simple, I shelled out alot of bucks to get this stuff, and no luck at all.



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64's and Sata aren't my branch but you're at the right address, someone here will fix you in no time and you'll stick it in your friends face :lol:

Edited by kobalt

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well when i was installing my new rig.. my XP CD was suppposed to be working but it wasnt.... so i asked a friend for his and that was the prob... not sure if that ur same prob

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I just read on another forum that the gigabyte GA-K8NF-9 has had problems, and then some others are saying all GBs are crap. I don't know how true this is.


I hope not, I almsot got the MSI but it didn't hve the PCI express, however I just saw one that does now. Well I'm sort stuck for the moment, just waiting for some help here guys, and ge tthis thing running. Thanks again.

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Redcoat how many sticks of memory you have? Try one stick at a time. I think it is the memory that is bad? You should have gone for the MSI model. That is a good board for 939's. Where did you buy the board from? If you bought it from newgg you can see if they will switch it for the MSI one. Honestly I think it is the memory that is bad.

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The memory is Crucial memory from New Egg. I have 2 sticks of memory in the machine right now. I was told this memory is one of the best and very quick. Memory is DDR 512MB PC 3200 cl2. Cricial Ballistix (Crucial Part Number: BL6464Z402). I checked crucials site and did a motherboard search for the Gigabyte model and this memory was a good match.


Right now I guess tonight I'll try the one stick only. I have never seen bad memory yet, and the bios did pickup the two sticks, but as I am seeing now, it looks like there is a first for everything.


All I want to do is lite it up and see it work right now.


Sadly, newegg was just out of stock of the MB and I got it at Zipzoomfly.com. I also picked up the video card there , everything else was newegg.

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A BSOD can also be caused be a PSU failure, or just a crappy PSU in general. What kind of power supply are you trying to use. I remember, while trying to start up an old system (not that old, xp2000 palomino, old, but not that old) I tried installing windows. When it would get to the system files part, it would just stall, or reboot. Then, I moved all the components over to a new case, with a new PSU, but everything else was the same. I tried installing windows, and it worked! The point of the story being: never overlook the PSU as a problem.

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Power supply is Thermaltake Silent Power / Power Supply 480 W. New and seems to be OK.


I removed 1 stick of ram and the unit flew thru setup files, and then I added the 2 drivers with the F6 like I did before, and no problems until, I get to hitting enter for

installing windows, and now it doesn't detect my SATA hard drive.


I think that the memory might be the problem, but as soon as I figure out why it won't detect the SATA now, then I can try to install XP again. I had some issues where it hung up also during the setup, and now I don't see that issue after removing 1 stick of memory.


I'll check it again later in the day, and if I can make it find the SATA drive, then I'll report if it loads the files.


PS... I tried the CD in another box, and it worked, and I changed the cable also, so that wouold pretty much eliminate those two checks.

Edited by Redcoat

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just got back in , yea do have another hd.... but did not connect yet. I was going to use a regular IDE to test. Worked all day, my time to look into this problem is starting to frustrate me, especially since iI have so much invested in it and have crap working right now.

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