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Dual Monitors

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hey guys, i dunno if this is possible but i hooked up a second monitor to my comp. i got the desktop to work fine on both of the comps but now i cant get any games to use both screens... the primary one shows the game and the secondary just shows the desktop extention


is that even possible... to have a game use both.. or would the game have to have an option somewhere in it to enable that?

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The game would have to have a setting for that.


I have a similar setup with my 9800 pro. My primary monitor has the game but the other one just shows the regular background.


Hopefully game creators will start programming for this.


I think I've heard of a flight game that does this but I can't remember the name.


I play EverCrack II and it sure would be handy to be able to stretch my screen over to hold the player information, etc.

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That's what I remember. I think I saw something about it on The Screensavers on Tech TV. That was over half a year ago so I could be wrong.


Go to www.thescreensavers.com and look around. There might be something in their archives.


Sorry I can't be more specific. Like I said I believe it was a flight sim game and I can't stand those so I immediately dumped that info into the bit bucket. (Don't want to overflow my 2k buffer). :lol:


I know EverQuest II doesn't do it and I haven't really been interested in any other games. I'm surprised that companies aren't doing this.


Doom used to be able to be played on 3 monitors, well three computers actually, that were networked together many years ago.


I guess you could spend your time reading boxes in the computer store and see if any support this but it definitely isn't widely done.

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  • 2 months later...

i thought of an interesting idea about using 2 monitors, i think it would be cool to to hook up 2 monitors, and have a USB mouse and keyboard hooked up so you can operate on your desktop on one screen while gaming on the other. This idea is certainly a long-shot, but what if it were possible? Sure your comp would lag a bit, but you could gaming and chat on aim on the other screen.

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