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I Could You Help On Building A Computer...


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Hey, Im totally new at OCC, and someone suggested I ask here.I plan on building my own computer, but there is the budget restraints... I should be able to make $500 to pay for 1/2 of the computer (my parents said theyd pay for the other half) and for my $1000 budget, I want to get the biggest bang for my buck, even if it does involve me elctrocuting myself a few times. I first, need to know what core components I'd need, and does anyone have a good setup for my budget? I'm a big gamer, but I mainly play FPS games like Battlefield 1942 and Counterstrike:Source. Also,I have an older, way older NEC Multisync FE700 monitor, do you think I shoudl buy a new one, or keep it?Any help will be appreciated, Thanks!

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and change mobo's to that new EPOX one everyone is raving about. Somone else will know the right model I'm talking about. You should also try and get 150 or 200 for a nice 17-19" CRT at bestbuy or something. I wouldnt get an el cheapo if i were you.

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For building it, if you've ever played with the insides of your current computer then it should be pretty easy. Dont force anything, if it doesnt go in smoothly then it doesnt belong there.


After a quick google search for computer building guides I found this site which looks pretty good: http://www.buildyourown.org.uk/


Just do some more searching for guides or lookup stuff on the manufacters website or the documentation that came with the product.

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Lol daniel, yeah, I figured that, also, I think your link daniel doesnt go to the Epox product there, but Ill find it. So henbenley, your saying its like making a puzzle, if it doesnt look right, dont do it? Cause if its that easy, then I should easily be able to, and not require major help from guides (although I probably will use them)


**EDIT** And daniel, I think I may change the case, thats possible, right?

Edited by crypt

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Yeah its kinda like a puzzle, I never thought of it like that. Except some things can go in more than 1 place (PCI cards can go in any slot). Be careful with the IDE cables (if your using IDE drives) that you put them in the master slot first and put the CD drives in the slave slot.


I did my first build after just looking at my other pre-built computer and seeing what each part looks like and where it went in the one system and then put it in the same spot on the new system.

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not sure how the FE700 compares... but i have the FE750+ and it has better colour, sharpness, and contrast than any crt or lcd i've seen in the last 10 years...


you could probably save some money by just using the FE700 and maybe upgrade it later...

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Heres a good topic for tips on building your own computer




Now Im about in the same position u are, cept I didn't really have a spending limmit. I knew some things about computers but I knew i would have to know more, so I cought a handy book called Building A PC For Dummies, answered all my questions, however if u don't wanna buy it, you could alwaus goto a borders type store and read the whole thing der and not buy it. hehe< cheapo

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