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Alienware Sentia-yay Or Nay?

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Well, I may soon be needing to get a laptop. I want to sacrifice as little as I can without spending much money. Is the Alienware Sentia a good laptop? It seems the only downfall is its video card (GIntel Extreme Grpahics 2). Otherwise, it sounds like a good choice. Or perhaps there are other companies that would be better with gaming while keeping a good price? I don't want to spend more than maybe $1,700. If that even.

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for your money you can get a better laptop from a few places...


ABS Mayhem G3



for example



ABS is a GRATE company. i love them i have bought 2 computers from them (desktop and laptop) and they are both very good quality. the Mayhem G3 is a very good laptop to get, and im thinking its much cheaper then alienware.

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