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What Are Some Good Benches?

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hey guys...i was just wondering what numbers you have been able to pull out of ur 6800GT


heres what i've gotten so far... tell me if its good


Aquamark 3.................62,687





its the BFG OC version @ 370MHz/1.0GHz

also if i want to OC it more... what temps should i stay away from?

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I dont have a 6800GT, but I am just wondering, are ALL the tests un-biaseD??


Cause I get 57,000-59,000 on AquaMark 3, and 18,000 on 3Dmark2001SE, but on 3D MArk 03 I get 11,900, and on 3D Mark 05 I get 5332


Surely your Rig suould either lose to my rig consitantly, or beat my rig consitantly if all the bench marks are unbiased?


my specs:

3.0Ghz P4 northwood

Radeon X800XT PE

1024 mb PC3200 ram (3-3-3-8 :( )

160gb 7200rpm Segate HDD

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Guest Silenc3
hey guys...i was just wondering what numbers you have been able to pull out of ur 6800GT


heres what i've gotten so far... tell me if its good


Aquamark 3.................62,687





its the BFG OC version @ 370MHz/1.0GHz

also if i want to OC it more... what temps should i stay away from?




Ya I agree with Petez, I beat his score with my hardware, and even more so with yours. I'd expect the other way around.

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I dont have a 6800GT, but I am just wondering, are ALL the tests un-biaseD??


Cause I get 57,000-59,000 on AquaMark 3, and 18,000 on 3Dmark2001SE, but on 3D MArk 03 I get 11,900, and on 3D Mark 05 I get 5332


Surely your Rig suould either lose to my rig consitantly, or beat my rig consitantly if all the bench marks are unbiased?


my specs:

3.0Ghz P4 northwood

Radeon X800XT PE

1024 mb PC3200 ram (3-3-3-8 :( )

160gb 7200rpm Segate HDD



What do you mean by unbiased? For comparison, benches should be run at the default configuration.

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Not necessarily.


Remember, ATI's VPU doesn't work the same way; it processes the image signals differently than a GPU does. There are some functions an ATI card excels at with very little performance loss (AA&AF) and some functions an nVidia wins hands-down in (OpenGL).


Their differing architecture is responsible for this; even going from an FX card to the 6xxx series, there is a big difference in the card's scaling abilities.


For instance, my 5900U turns in 44,000 AM3 scores, 16,000 in 3DMark01 and 6500 in 3DMark03. Yet I get a measly 1450 in 3DMark05 b/c FX cards suck at DX9 stuff. They are good at making pretty pictures, but they sure are slow about it. :(

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Surely, a DECENT benchmark, will test ALL these Areas?


DX9, OpenGL, AA & AF??


and which Bench IS the most 'Fair'?


I would hazard a guess at one of the 3Dmarks? Since AM3 is just too short to test everything :wacko:

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'03 and '05 are more straight video benches. '01 is sort of a full system bench, which explains it's continuing popularity. As far as an all OGL bench, there may be one, I just can't think of it. I guess Doom3 could be used as an OGL bench.

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