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Hdd #2 Not Being Detected


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Hey guys,


Just threw in another harddrive- connected my main (original) harddrive as "master" and this new one as "slave" using IDE cables; yes, they both have power via a molex. Heres the problem; when I double-click on "My Computer" it does not show a second harddrive, IE, drive E(?). I only have it showing my original drives. Is there something I may have overlooked? Please post all ideas and even the most simplest solutions.


Thanks :D.

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if u are using windows xp or 2k rt click on my computer>manage go into the disk manager, and see if theres a driver there. give it a drive letter and you should be set.


if the drive isn't there check and make sure it is dected when you first turn the comptuer on. during the POST.

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No, its not detected in the disk manager; hrmm... I'm pretty sure its not detected during the POST too.


Yup, its not detected during the post and it is not auto-detected when I try to in the bios.

Edited by Instag0

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Try changing the jumper on the main drive to Master with Slave present if that does not work, try running it as a slave on the other IDE Cable to make sure it works and its not a dead drive....

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It isn't a dead drive, purrs like a normal kitten :P. I used this drive a few months ago on the exact same setup minus the same IDE cable(s). I do not think the IDE cable is at fault, but it could be... gah. I'm sick of opening up my computer every 30 seconds :P.

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Set both jumpers to "Cable Select" or "CS" , make sure your IDE cable is in the slot correctly, if it isn't keyed, the red stripe is pin#1, and make sure it's in all the way. If it's a newer computer, an I'm assuming it is, then that should work, if not just kick it a few times.

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Set both jumpers to "Cable Select" or "CS" , make sure your IDE cable is in the slot correctly, if it isn't keyed, the red stripe is pin#1, and make sure it's in all the way. If it's a newer computer, an I'm assuming it is, then that should work, if not just kick it a few times.

GAHH...no. CS sucks. Make sure your jumpers are right, set your main hard drive to master, and your new hard drive to slave...You didnt mention setting jumpers at all. THe reason i dont like cable select is that 1) I want to set my drives, and 2) The drives, cable, mobo, and bios have to support it. So i take the time to set them myself rather than let the computer do it. Also, your primary(master) hard drive goes on the very end connector, while the secondary(slave) goes on the middle connector. The middle connector should be closer to one end, thats the end for the hard drives, the other end is the one that plugs into your mobo.

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I've been using CS for the past few years and haven't had a problem with drives/bios/cable supporting it.


w/e though, if it still isn't working try putting them on different ide cables and channels, try swhiching up the cables too if you can, maybe one of them is bad, you never know.

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Thanks for all the help guys! Sorry, I just now (while looking at the harddrives) learned exactly what jumpers are, so I apologize for not listing what they were set at. I set the new harddrive to "Cable Select" and it was recognized and is working perfectly as far as I know. If I have any other problems I'll post them here.


Thanks again!

If you were wondering (jumper configurations):

HD 0 (original): Master 1 or 0 (cant remember :P)

HD 1 (new): Cable Select


HD 0 is on the master IDE while HD 1 is on the slave IDE.

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