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Asus A7v333 Does Not Detect Units On Ide0


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asus a7v333 mb

amd xp1800+ cpu

256mb ddr 2700 ram



1 fuijitsu something 40 gig ata66

2 ibm something 120 gb ata100

connectors, 2x ata133 one ata100 and one ata66 (i think).


The problem is this:

I had my system set up like this:

ide0: 133 cable, 40g master, 120g slave.

ide1: 100 cable, dvd/cd, cd recorder.


Worked fine.


Yesterday i purchased the second IBM disk, together with the second ata133 cable.

Removed the burner, changed the 100 cable to the 133, and put the new ibm instead of the burner.


Booted, bios detected both units on ide1 but "none" on ide0.


Removed ide1 cable, still nothing on ide0, yelled cursed screamed, finally at 2am this morning i got it to boot up with the 100 cable and the 40g on ide0.


Got some sleep, started again at 8 am, booted again, wehaa, put the 120g on the ide0 cable, refused to detect anything.

Removed the 120, still nothing. Cursed, yelled and screamed for an hour, then it worked.


Now i put the 40g on a 133 cable, worked, put the 120 on the other slot on that cable, worked. Yahoo, put the new disk and the new 133 cable in, only the ide1 unit was detected. removed the new disk and the new cable, nothing detected.


Cursed and yelled a bit more, took a shower, and then the first chain was detected again..


So basically now i'm running the 40g and the old 120g on a 133cable, and i dont dare to touch anything on that freaking motherboard.


Ive emailed the store which i purchased the mb from, but still no reply.


I just dont understand what could be wrong. Both the ibm disk are working, both the ide cables are working, the 40g works too. But when i combine everything, only ide1 is detected by bios..


I have not overclocked my cpu, or anything else. The 40g disk works sometimes, but not all the time. If i put the ide1 cable in, ide0 is not detected, when i remove the ide1 again ide0 is still not detected. It's just not making any sense!!!


I'm going crazy here... please.. has anyone ever seen anything like this?


// Edit:

All the drives work, all the cables work, ive switched cables here and there and managed to get some response, if i put both 120s on ide0 i get response.. Master / slave you name it i've changed it..

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